
Flapper Skate protection: NatureScot advice to the Scottish Government

This document contains NatureScot's statutory conservation advice to Scottish Ministers regarding the protection of flapper skate eggs in the Inner Sound of Skye. This advice was considered by Ministers and contributed to their decision to designate the Red Rocks and Longay Urgent MPA.

Further work required (Evidence)

The current evidence provides confidence in the presence of egg-laying habitat and its importance for flapper skate but we are unable to determine the full extent of the habitat in the Inner Sound. Further survey work is essential to give confidence in the delineation of the spatial extent that is required for long-term protection.

We recommend further survey work comprising a mix of high resolution multibeam, Drop Down Video and diver survey , carried out during spring and summer 2021 with data analysis over the following winter (2021/22). The survey work will enable us to map potential egg-laying habitat and place this into context with other features of nature conservation interest in this part of the Inner Sound.

Successful delivery of the new survey work in 2021 would be subject to funding and vessel availability as well as compliance with relevant Covid‑19 guidance and recognition of the work as 'essential', which we can confirm NatureScot would support. Further detail on the survey work required including indicative costs is provided in Annex 3. We would welcome further discussion on this.

Alongside survey work in the Inner Sound, we think that survey work should be considered in other locations where eggs were observed on DDV runs during the EMFF survey in 2019 to help put the Inner Sound in context. We hope to pursue this in 2021 in addition to the costs provided in Annex 3, providing funds can be secured.



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