
Flapper Skate protection: NatureScot advice to the Scottish Government

This document contains NatureScot's statutory conservation advice to Scottish Ministers regarding the protection of flapper skate eggs in the Inner Sound of Skye. This advice was considered by Ministers and contributed to their decision to designate the Red Rocks and Longay Urgent MPA.

NatureScot survey work and location of habitat

On 4-5th March 2020, NatureScot and Tritonia Scientific Ltd undertook survey work on a small area of seabed in the Inner Sound (see Figure 1). This survey was in response to reports from divers of the presence of flapper skate egg cases. The survey took place at the Red Rocks, to the north of Sgeir Dhearg. The area surveyed was approximately 55m2 comprising a boulder and cobble substrate (see Figure 2). 73 egg cases were recorded, some of which had already hatched. Because of the large number of egg cases, we planned to do further survey work on this habitat in 2020 but this has not yet been possible due to Covid-19 restrictions. Our view is still that further survey work would be helpful to enable us to build a better understanding of the extent of this egg-nursery habitat.

Provisional findings were emailed to Marine Scotland on 6th March 2020. A paper summarising the results of the survey work is nearing completion and we expect to share a draft with your team shortly.



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