
Flapper Skate protection: NatureScot advice to the Scottish Government

This document contains NatureScot's statutory conservation advice to Scottish Ministers regarding the protection of flapper skate eggs in the Inner Sound of Skye. This advice was considered by Ministers and contributed to their decision to designate the Red Rocks and Longay Urgent MPA.

Further advice received from NatureScot - 18 December 2020

Please find below further advice on the protection of flapper skate in response to your request on 13 November 2020.

In this advice we provide clarification on the identification of flapper skate eggs, the sensitivity of flapper skate egg-laying habitat, and the pressures and activities we believe have the potential to impact the habitat. We also provide advice on the importance of the Inner Sound location in a national context. In addition, we have given a view on the urgency of protection and potential approaches to protection, including options for developing interim measures. As discussed, we have not provided any advice on the proximity or intensity of fishing activity.

The scope of essential follow-up survey and assessment work and associated timescales and costs are also provided.



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