
Protection of Vulnerable Groups and Disclosure of Criminal Information: consultation summary report

The simplified summary report on responses to the recent consultation on proposals for change to the disclosure regime in Scotland.

Ministerial Foreword

Maree Todd, Minister for Children and Young People

I am grateful to all those who commented on our proposals for change in relation to the Protection of Vulnerable Groups and the Disclosure of Criminal Information, whether by responding to the public consultation or attending one of the consultation events. I hope this report has captured the wide range of views expressed. I think most people would agree that a review of the current system was due. The proposals outlined in the consultation document, and your responses to them, can create an improved system that balances safeguarding and proportionality.

It is important to highlight again that these proposals were created in conjunction with a wide range of stakeholders to develop a system that will simplify the disclosure regime and deliver it in a modern way. It is in everyone’s interest that the aspects of the current system which are valued are maintained and strengthened.

All the comments received will be taken into consideration as the new system is developed. The consultation is not the end of our engagement, and we look forward to listening and working with stakeholders as we progress.

Maree Todd
Minister for Children and Young People


Disclosure Scotland policy team:

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