Spread of invasive species into Scotland: study

A horizon scanning study involving analysis of pathways of spread of invasive non-native species into Scotland. It considers species having the highest likelihood of arrival and establishment and the magnitude of their potential negative impact on biodiversity and ecosystems over the next 10 years.


We are extremely appreciative of the extensive and inspiring contributions from all the people involved within the expert groups providing time and expertise as volunteers. Thank you to the Scottish Government for the opportunity to undertake this study and to all the experts from NatureScot and associated organisations for their excellent contributions. The study aligned with work from the Defra-funded GB Non-Native Species Information Portal which is partly supported through Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability. The National Biodiversity Atlas was used to assess the distribution of a number of the INNS considered through this study.


Email: invasive_non-native_species@gov.scot

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