National litter and flytipping strategy: baseline report

This report was completed as part of the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy (NLFS) year one action plan, action 18; to Improving consistency of flytipping data data by developing a flytipping baseline for Scotland, identifying data gaps and changes that may be needed in the future.

Appendix 3 – data rationalisation

Different local authorities use slightly different categories, so Anthesis rationalised the data to combine similar categories.

Size of the flytipping incident

No data rationalisation was undertaken for data shared by local authorities on the size of the flytipping incident. Once local authorities used the categories “small” and “medium”, however, it was challenging to rationalise this into the categories used by other authorities e.g., “small” could cover both single item, single black bag or car boot or less. Going forward standardised reporting categories would harmonise data on the size of the flytipping incident amongst stakeholders.

Land type

Data rationalisation was undertaken on land type. There were several categories (e.g., “highway”, “footpath/brindleway”) that were used by several authorities. No rationalisation was undertaken on these categories. Where there were land types that were common in nature we merged these to reduce the total overall (Table 7).

(Table 7) Data rationalisation carried out on land type data

Final category: Residential area

Original categories: Housing, back alley, private residential, flatted area, lane between houses

Final category: Waste disposal point

Original categories: Bin communal point, recycling point

Final category: Other

Original categories: Open land, blank, unknown, other

Given we only had primary data on land type from 6 authorities, it would be beneficial when gathering data in future years or when standardising reporting categories to disucss with all 32 Scottish local authorities whether the final categories used in this baseline are in fact representative of the data they collate.

Waste Type

Data rationalisation was also undertaken on waste type. There were several categories (e.g., “tyres”, “green”) that were used by several authorities. No rationalisation was undertaken on these categories. Where there were waste types that were common in nature we merged these to reduce the total overall (Table 8).

(Table 8) Data rationalisation carried out on waste type data

Final category: Trade waste

Original categories: Trade waste, demolition, rubble, construction

Final category: Mixed household

Original categories: Mixed waste, household waste - small

Final category: General household

Original categories: Black bags household, general waste

Final category: Other household

Original categories: Other household, side waste

Final category: Household bulky

Original categories: Furniture, household waste - bulky items, mattresses

As with land type, a limited number of authorities provided data on waste type, so further engagement would be required before these categories are standardised as they are not necessarily representative of the whole of Scotland.



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