
Provisional Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

An overview of the Scottish fishing fleet, fishermen employed and landings data.

Scottish fishing fleet and employment

Scottish fishing fleet

The number of active Scottish registered fishing vessels in 2015 was 2,017, a decrease of 13 vessels from 2014.

During 2015, the number of over 10 metre vessels fell to 565, 18 less vessels than the previous year. The shellfish sector makes up 64 per cent of the over 10 metre fleet and had a decrease of five vessels, to 363 vessels. The two other over 10 metre vessel groups also had a decrease in the number of vessels, with the pelagic sector decreasing by one vessel and the demersal sector decreasing by 12 vessels.

There were 1,452 10 metre and under vessels in the Scottish fleet, an increase of five vessels from 2014. Creel fishing was the only 10 metre and under vessel group to have an increase in the number of vessels with 12 vessels coming into the creel fishing sector. The Nephrops trawl sector had a decrease of six vessels and the other 10 metre and under vessels decreased by one vessel.


In 2015, the number of fishermen employed on Scottish fishing vessels was 4,828. This represents an increase of 32 (one per cent) compared to 2014. Both the number of regularly employed and irregularly employed fishermen increased, to 3,985 (less than one per cent) and 792 (four per cent) respectively. There was a four per cent decrease in the number of crofters to 51.


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