
Psychological therapies and interventions specification

Specification setting out the aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.

Who this specification applies to

This specification applies to all psychological therapies and interventions delivered by appropriately trained professionals, such as clinical psychologists and psychological therapists, in a wide range of settings such as care homes or hospitals – see Annex B for the range of settings and Annex C for the range of staff.

These professionals are employed by Health Boards (NHS) and may deliver therapies and interventions through Health and Social Care Partnerships (H&SCP) and hospitals.

Staff employed by the Local Authority and the third sector are outwith the scope of this specification. However, our ambition going forward is to work together with all services that deliver psychological therapies and interventions with the aim of supporting the ongoing development of quality approaches, by taking a whole‑systems approach. As part of integrated working, this can include the provision of advice and guidance on clinical governance and the continuous improvement of the delivery of services.



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