
Psychological therapies and interventions specification

Specification setting out the aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.

Annex A


This specification has been developed based on engagement with people who work in services and people who have accessed psychological therapies and interventions, and their carers. The consultation showed clear support for this specification and how this should be delivered. We have responded to all the feedback by producing the outcomes in this specification.

Measurement and Monitoring

We will work with the Mental Health Standards Implementation Advisory Group (which has representatives from people who use, work in, and manage mental health and psychological services) and the Heads of Scotland Psychology Group (which is a collaborative leadership group for psychological services across Scotland) – to develop an approach to implementation which is as supportive as possible. A key focus of this work will be to identify strengths in how services are delivered and support the sharing of good practice.

Although psychological practice is delivered in wider public sector settings (e.g., education) and the third sector, this will not be measured or monitored at this stage. However, it is recommended that any relevant aspects of this specification that apply to their service delivery, are taken into account. We will work with relevant partners in wider public sector settings going forward to support implementation of good psychological care and practice for all.



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