
Public Acceptability of Cross-Sectoral Data Linkage

A report of recent public deliberative events to explore the views of the public on the acceptability of linking personal data for statistical and research purposes, thereby identifying particular sensitivities and potential barriers to public confidence and exploring mechanisms for overcoming concerns.


1. On 6th June, three days prior to the Glasgow event, Linkedin was in the news following a security breach with resulted in around 7 million of its users' passwords being posted online.

2. A project being run by the National Records of Scotland to assess alternative options for producing population and socio-demographic statistics, including the use of administrative data sources.

3. The consultation analysis report is available here:

4. All of the workshops were undertaken prior to the news coverage of the loss of a Glasgow City Council laptop containing personal data of customers and businesses (this incident first appeared in the mainstream media on the 11 June). The views expressed by participants in the workshops were therefore unlikely to have been affected by this data loss incident.

5. Participants level of trust in public bodies was established using the following question, included in the recruitment questionnaire: 'I will read you a list of different types of people. For each, would you tell me if you generally trust them to tell the truth, or not?' The Scottish Government; local councils; researchers in universities; the NHS; The Police.

6. On 6th June, three days prior to the Glasgow event, Linkedin was in the news following a security breach with resulted in around 7 million of its users' passwords being posted online.


Email: Sara Grainger

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