
Public appointment: appointment of an Interim Chair of the Scottish Charity Regulator extended

Public appointments news release.

The Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government, Shona Robison MSP,  announced an extension to the appointment of George Walker as the Interim Chair of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) for a further 6 months.               

The appointment will last up to 16 October 2022, to allow  time for a permanent replacement to be sought, following the resignation of Lindsay Montgomery CBE in late March 2021.

Interim Chair Appointment

George Walker is an experienced chair, non-executive director and a former corporate executive. Over his corporate career he worked in the pharmaceutical industry and latterly in investment management for a large global firm. Mr Walker has worked in the UK and extensively overseas, living and working overseas for many years prior to returning to Edinburgh.

Mr Walker currently also chairs the Scottish Housing Regulator and Caledonia Social Care LTD. He has previously served as a non-executive director for NHS Lothian where he chaired the Finance and Resources Committee. He chaired the Integration Joint Board, for health and social care in Edinburgh.

The appointment is regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.

Length of Term, Remuneration and Time Commitment

The appointment is for one year from 16 April 2021 up to 16 October 2022.  The Chair receives £283 per day, for a time commitment of up to four days per month.

Other Ministerial Appointments

Mr Walker is Chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator for which he receives £216.44 per day for a time commitment of up to two days per week.

Political Activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.

George Walker has had no political activity in the last five years.


The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is a Non-Ministerial Department and part of the Scottish Administration following commencement of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

They are the independent regulator and registrar for over 25,000 Scottish charities including community groups, religious charities, schools, universities, grant-giving charities and major care providers. Their work as Regulator ultimately supports public confidence in charities and their work.

OSCR's general functions are set out in the 2005 Act:

(a) to determine whether bodies are charities,

(b) to keep a public register of charities,

(c) to encourage, facilitate and monitor compliance by charities with the provisions of this Act,

(d) to identify and investigate apparent misconduct in the administration of charities and to take remedial or protective action in relation to such misconduct, and

(e) to give information or advice, or to make proposals, to the Scottish Ministers on matters relating to OSCR's functions.

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