
Public appointment: chair reappointed to Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board

Public appointments news release.

The Minister for Higher Education, Further Education, Youth Employment and Training, Jamie Hepburn MSP, today announced the reappointment of Janie McCusker as the Chair of the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board.


Janie McCusker has a career spanning 40 years, serving with the Royal Air Force for 22 years and the remainder of this career working in international organisations, including the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United Nations, recently completing a term of office with UNICEF as Principal Adviser for Security Coordination. Janie is a member of the Board of Colleges Scotland and the Board of Colleges Development Network. She previously served as Chair of West Lothian College Regional Board. In March 2020, Janie was appointed as Chair of NHS Forth Valley. Janie has experience of establishing and leading departments in multi-cultural environments and has extensive knowledge and experience of governance, risk management, change management and mediation. She holds a MA in Conflict Resolution and is a member of the Institute of Leadership and Management.


This reappointment will be for two years and will run from 8 January 2022 until 7 January 2024.

This reappointment is regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.

Remuneration and time commitment

This reappointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £330 per day for a time commitment of two days per week.

Other ministerial appointments

Janie McCusker is the Chair of NHS Forth Valley for which she receives £33,052 per annum for a time commitment of three days per week. 

She is also a Board member of Colleges Scotland with a time commitment of two days per month, and a Board member of the Colleges Development Network for a time commitment of one day per month. Both of these positions are unremunerated.

Political activity 

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.   

Janie McCusker has had no political activity within the last five years.

Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board

The Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board is responsible for securing the coherent provision of high quality fundable higher and further education in Glasgow’s colleges. It is also responsible for the:

  • strategic planning of college provision across the Glasgow region
  • monitoring of performance and
  • allocation of funding to colleges within their region

 It was established as part of the Scottish Government’s ambitious programme of college reform. The Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act set up a new regional structure to meet the specific needs of learners, employers and the economy.

GCRB includes the three Glasgow Colleges: City of Glasgow College, Glasgow Clyde College and Glasgow Kelvin College. 

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