
Public appointment: member appointed to Healthcare Improvement Scotland Board

Public appointment news release.

Member Appointed to Healthcare Improvement Scotland Board

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Humza Yousaf MSP today announced the appointment of Nicola Biagi Hanssen as a Member of the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Board.


Nicola Biagi Hanssen is a Registered Nurse with a BA in Business and Enterprise and over 30 years’ experience in Health and Social Care in both Scotland and Norway. 

She has worked in a range of third sector organisations and in local authority commissioning, which equipped her with a very practical perspective and insight into how national policies and structures influence how services are delivered to people. 

She has a particular passion for prevention and early intervention throughout the life course and how factors in the social environment determine access to health services and influence lifestyle choices. In her former CEO role she led on designing and implementing innovative initiatives to reduce unintentional harms, particularly falls and loneliness, to enable older people to live fulfilling, independent lives. 

She served for three years on the Board of Voluntary Health Scotland where she learned more about the diversity and interconnectedness of the healthcare ecosystem and how valuable and vital this is.


This appointment will be for four years and will run from 1st August 2021 to 31st July 2025

This appointment is regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.


This appointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £170.03 per day for a time commitment of two to four days per month (up to 48 days per year).

Other ministerial appoitments

Nicola Biagi Hanssen does not hold any other public appointments.

Political activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.   

Nicola Biagi Hanssen has had no political activity within the last five years.


Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is a national improvement organisation that works with local communities, people who need support and the people who provide support to improve health and social care across Scotland.

HIS supports the health and social care system to design and provide high quality, sustainable and compassionate care for the people of Scotland.  Strong relationships and partnership working with other organisations are central to helping HIS to deliver improvement.

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