
Public appointment: Members appointed to the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Board

Public appointments news release

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Humza Yousaf MSP today announced the appointments of Dr Abhishek Agarwal and Mr Robert Tinlin as Members of the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Board.


Dr Abhishek Agarwal is an Associate Professor in Strategy who leads the Master of Business Administration Programme at Edinburgh Napier University, prior to which he had over a decade’s experience in leading training and projects in strategy, governance and sustainability.  Over the years, Abhi has taken a keen interest in the governance of organisations through his board and committee member roles, which have included non-Executive membership of Kirkgate Development Limited and Grampian Housing Association. As the Board Chair of the Grampian Housing Group since 2019, Abhi has provided strong leadership and vision, significantly improved governance practices through a range of new initiatives, policies and processes and strongly focused on the boards’ active involvement in co-creating strategy and effectively managing risk.  Through his charity roles and his own experience as a service user, Abhi significantly understands the need to address inequalities in our society, including appreciating the diversity of our communities, listening to service users, co-designing services and enabling better access.  Abhi has an MBA from the University of Aberdeen and a PhD from Robert Gordon University, is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI), a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and is a Full Member of the Institute of Directors (MIoD).

Mr Robert Tinlin has had a successful and award winning career in local government in Scotland and England, with almost 20 years as a chief executive in South Northamptonshire and Southend-on-Sea.  For several years he was the local government chief executive lead for health and social care in the East of England: chaired the Southend Children’s Partnership; and was a founder member of its Health and Well Being Partnership.  He has been a Board member of the Department for Health National Information Board, the Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus project and  of NHS Digital.  He is currently a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, where he chairs its Audit & Risk Committee, and the Governance Board for the Comptroller & Auditor General for Jersey.


The appointments for Dr Agarwal and Mr Tinlin are for four years, from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026.

The appointments are regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.


The appointments are part-time and attract a daily remuneration of £171.74 for a time commitment of four days per month.

Other ministerial appointments

Dr Agarwal and Mr Tinlin do not hold any other public appointments.

Political activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.   

Dr Agarwal and Mr Tinlin have had no political activity within the last five years.


Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s aim is to ensure that the people of Scotland experience the best quality health and care services.  They work with people at every level of the health and social care system and make sure improvements in care are informed by the experiences of people who deliver and people who use services.

As a national improvement organisation, they are able to see all of the integration jigsaw and how the parts fit together. This perspective allows them to shape, tailor and provide support that responds to both individual provider’s and system needs, providing a great opportunity to support improvements in the care that people receive.

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