
Public appointment: NHS Education for Scotland Non-executive Member Extension

Public appointments news release.

The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Humza Yousaf MSP, today announced an extension to the appointment of Mr Douglas Hutchens as a Member of the NHS Education for Scotland Board (NES).


Douglas Hutchens joined the NES Board in March 2015, having spent almost 25 years in NHS management and planning, mainly in Glasgow and Lanarkshire, then latterly as Director of Planning and Corporate Affairs of a national NHS Board. He was a Non-Executive Director of the Scottish Government, is a non-executive of Disclosure Scotland, a member of the UK and Scottish Judiciary Appeals Tribunal and is also a director of a small consultancy organisation working mainly with public and third sector organisations. Recently, this has involved public body investigations in Northern Ireland. Douglas believes he brings a general, non-clinical, wider system perspective, especially in respect of corporate governance, to the role, providing an additional perspective to national issues.


The extension to Mr Hutchens appointment is for six months, from 1 March to 31 August 2023.

This extension is regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.


The appointment is part-time and attract a remuneration of £9,030 per annum for a time commitment of one day per week

Other ministerial appointments

Mr Hutchens is a member of the UK and Scottish Judiciary Appeals Tribunal for which he receives a daily rate of £224 for a time commitment of two days per month.

Political activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.  

Mr Hutchens has had no political activity within the last five years. 


High quality education, training and lifelong learning are vital to providing excellent health and care services.  NHS Education for Scotland is the Education, Training and Workforce Development Organisation for the NHS and increasingly for the care sector in Scotland. It helps to provide better development opportunities for care sector staff and improved outcomes for patient care by providing educational solutions for workforce development.

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