
Public appointment: Whistleblowing Champion Member appointed to NHS Borders Board

Public appointments news release.

The Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, Michael Matheson MSP today announced the appointment of Lynne Livesey  as a Whistleblowing Member of the NHS Borders Board


Lynne Livesey was the seniorexecutive leader of a large university and has held non-executive director roles in complex service-orientated organisations where public safety, accountability and confidence are central.  She has extensive experience in the UK and overseas in strategic development, organisational transformation, budgeting, effective governance, measuring performance, including providing assurance to or working with a wide range of professional regulatory bodies.  Examples of previous non-executive board governance responsibilities include audit and risk, diversity and inclusion, safeguarding and whistleblowing.  With a deep personal commitment to the NHS and its values, she has sat on boards and committees of local authorities, regional health authorities and health related charities, gaining insight to some of the many challenges facing the NHS and its staff. She graduated in law with honours from Durham University, qualified and practised as a solicitor and gained higher degrees (with distinction) in management and in education. Throughout her life Lynne has committed much of her time to volunteering and charity work, gaining hugely from the experience with each organisation.  


This appointment will be for 4 years and will run from 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2028.

This appointment is regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.


This appointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £9,030 for a time commitment of 52 days per year.

Other ministerial appointments

Lynne Livesey does not hold any other public appointments.

Political activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.   

Lynne Livesey has had no political activity within the last five years.


NHS Borders is responsible for meeting the health needs and improving the health and wellbeing of around 118,900 people living in the Borders, spread over 4,723 square kilometres of town, village and rural communities. NHS Borders provides a range of health and social care services which includes acute, mental health, primary and community services.

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