Coronavirus (COVID-19): public attitudes and behaviours - April update

Findings from polling work, conducted between September 2021 and January 2022, on public attitudes and behaviours around the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.

Annex B: Timeline of key events around fieldwork dates

7-8 September just after Delta wave peak

  • Case numbers remained high with 38,340 cases recorded in the week to 5 September (Public Health Scotland), but it seemed that the rate of increase had been slowing down
  • Plans for a COVID-19 certification scheme for entry to some venues, such as night clubs and large sporting events and concerts, were debated in Parliament and passed on 9 September, to begin on 1 October (

21-22 September 12-15's offered vaccine

  • Case numbers fell to 23,254 in the week to 19 September but numbers in hospital and ICU remained high (PHS), due to the lag between infection and hospitalisation (potentially levelling off)
  • Booster vaccination programme was underway: care home residents started to get booster jabs from 20 September and other priority groups were to follow
  • From 20 September, 12-15 year olds were able to visit drop-in clinics to be vaccinated ahead of invitations being sent out (

5-6 October easing around international travel

  • Cases continued to fall but remained relatively high (PHS)
  • Traffic light system for international travel changed to red/non-red list. Fully vaccinated adults from non-red list countries no longer needed to provide test result before travelling to Scotland, but needed PCR test on day 2 after arriving (
  • COVID-19 certification scheme launched on 1 October, not enforced for another 2 weeks

21-22 October COVID-19 certification scheme enforced

  • Cases lower than had been seen recently but remained relatively high, at 15,363 cases in the week to 24 October (PHS)
  • Scottish Government confirmed it is monitoring new Delta+ variant and that face coverings would continue to be worn in secondary schools after October holidays (
  • COVID-19 certification scheme, launched on 10 October, became fully enforceable on 18 October 2021(

2-3 November COP-26 held in Glasgow

  • Decline in new cases slowed, number of new cases per day was still higher than previous low periods, at 15,688 recorded in the week to 31 October (PHS)
  • Hospitalisations remained steady (PHS)
  • Remaining countries on "red list" removed as of 1 November, along with quarantine requirements (
  • COP26 was underway in Glasgow, which saw protests and crowds at times

16-17 November 88% of 18+ received 2 vaccine doses

  • Cases were rising again but the numbers in hospital had reduced in recent weeks (PHS)
  • COP26 was not thought to be resulting in increased cases
  • Announcement that the COVID-19 certification scheme may be expanded to other venues / to allow evidence of a recent negative test result (to be confirmed 23 November, implemented 6 December) (
  • 88% of 18+ year olds had now received 2 doses of the vaccine (PHS)
  • Some countries in Europe were facing rising case numbers (Our World in Data

30 November-1 DecemberOmicron identified as variant of concern, booster rollout accelerated

  • COVID-19 cases had decreased from the previous week (PHS)
  • Scottish Government announced COVID-19 certification scheme will not be expanded (
  • Omicron variant was highlighted as a variant of concern, with cases found in Scotland (
  • First Minister reminded everyone of importance of protective behaviours (
  • COVID-19 booster jab to be offered to all adults across Scotland (

14-15 DecemberOmicron rapidly spreading, measures on businesses

  • Omicron variant was spreading rapidly, set to become dominant variant within days (
  • Further protective measures were put in place: legal requirements on businesses/services to make premises safe/minimise risk of transmission, public asked to minimise contacts with other households (max. 3), not including main Christmas celebrations. Testing before socialising recommended (
  • Ministers appointed a Chair and announced the Terms of Reference for the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry (

4-5 January just after Omicron peak, guidance on socialising

  • Omicron continued to spread rapidly, with record number of new cases recorded in Scotland. 91,544 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the week to 2 January (PHS)
  • In the week ending 4 January 2022, there were 1,003 admissions to hospital with a laboratory confirmed test of COVID-19, an increase of 43% from the previous week (PHS)
  • New restrictions/guidance from 26/27 December included size limits on large events, table service and 1m distancing between groups in hospitality and advice to limit contact with other households (
  • Booster rollout continued at pace (PHS)

18-19 January cases falling, some restrictions easing

  • Drop in number of reported new cases, with hospital admissions and numbers in ICU decreasing from the previous week (PHS)
  • Restrictions on large outdoor events lifted from Monday 17 January (
  • Remaining restrictions on indoor events and hospitality measures would be lifted Monday 24 January, as would guidance on three households limit indoors (



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