
Public attitudes to coronavirus: April summary

High level findings from recent polling work on public attitudes to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Scotland.

Annex A: Sample sizes

The Ipsos MORI sample is broadly representative of the adult population aged 16-74. Data is weighted to reflect the age and gender profile of the Scottish population aged 16-74. A Scottish boost sample was included in the Ipsos MORI global adviser attitudes survey from wave 5 onwards.

YouGov apply weighting to the data to match the population profile to adjust for any over/under representations and to maximise consistency from wave to wave. Parameters used include age, gender, social class, region and level of education.

Table 1: Fieldwork information


Sample size

Age group

Field dates

Ipsos MORI Global Advisor


Wave 5 – 568

Wave 6 – 668

Wave 7 – 652

Wave 8 – 665

Wave 9 – 658


Wave 5: 19-21 Mar

Wave 6: 26-28 Mar

Wave 7: 2-4 April

Wave 8: 9-12 April

Wave 9: 16-19 April

YouGov weekly survey

Wave 1 – 912

Wave 2 – 1039

Wave 3 – 1002

Wave 4 – 1002

Wave 5 – 1042


Wave 1: 24-25 Mar

Wave 2: 31 Mar – 1 Apr

Wave 3: 7-8 April

Wave 4: 14-15 April

Wave 5: 21-22 April

Fieldwork dates cover the period where the bulk of the survey fieldwork was completed.



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