
Public attitudes to coronavirus: April summary

High level findings from recent polling work on public attitudes to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Scotland.

Views on Coronavirus

Threat perception

Respondents were asked to what extent they perceive Coronavirus as a threat to a range of dimensions of life. As shown in Figure 1, over the past few weeks, the 'threat to country' was consistently perceived to be higher than the 'threat to your job', and 'threat to you personally'. However the threat 'to the world' was more likely to be considered a threat than any of these other aspects. Levels of perceived threat to each of these dimensions of life have remained remarkably consistent throughout the time period.

Figure 1: Proportion who consider there to be a very high/high threat from Coronavirus
Figure 1: Proportion who consider there to be a very high/high threat from Coronavirus

Source: Ipsos MORI, Scotland data. Base (n=652-668)



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