Public attitudes to Coronavirus: January update

This report includes some high level findings from recent polling work on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.

Overall trends and key points

There are a number of trends observable across the polling data:

  • Levels of optimism rose at the start of the November but declined at the end of December. Levels of optimism at the end of 2020 were similar to the beginning of the March lockdown.
  • For parents with young children, over half agree that they are worried about the impact of the changes of school and nursery opening on their child or children's mental health, and a similar proportion about schools and nurseries staying closed beyond 18 January, the initial date proposed.
  • Just under a half of respondents report having experienced loneliness in the past week.
  • The proportion who agree that the best thing to do is follow government's advice increased between the beginning of November and the end of December, from just under, to just over, three quarters.
  • Self-assessed compliance with the guidance/restrictions is high, as almost four fifths rate their compliance with the rules as 6 or 7 out of 7, while one fifth rate their compliance as less good (score of 1-5 out of 7).
  • Trust in information from the Scottish Government about Coronavirus, and ratings of the Scottish Government as doing a good or very good job, fell slightly in mid-December. Despite this, around seven in ten report to trust the Scottish Government to work in Scotland's best interests.
  • Prior to the festive break, 38% intended to take advantage of the easing of restrictions, while around a half reported they did not. The vast majority agreed that the safest thing to do is stay within your own household during the festive period, but around a third had concerns about their mental health.
  • However, at the end of December, once those undecided had consolidated their plans, 45% reported that they had taken advantage of these relaxations.
  • The proportion who say they are 'extremely likely' to be vaccinated when a vaccine is made available to them has increased since mid-November, from two fifths to three fifths. Around one in ten say they are unlikely to do so.



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