
Public attitudes to coronavirus: March update

This report presents findings from polling work, conducted in January and February 2021, on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.


This report draws together findings on key indicators from polling work on public attitudes to the Coronavirus pandemic in Scotland. Six reports covering earlier survey work were published on 8 May, 12 June, 5 August, 9 October, 20 November 2020 and 29 January 2021. As with previous reports, it is not intended to provide comprehensive analysis of the large amount of polling information available, but rather to draw together findings on some key indicators. The report contains brief descriptions and explanations of the included measures, and data from surveys which took place in January and February 2021.

Results should be interpreted in the context of surveys that were designed and undertaken during a rapidly changing situation and bearing in mind the limitations of the data source noted below.



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