Public attitudes to coronavirus: March update

This report presents findings from polling work, conducted in January and February 2021, on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.

Key points

  • A high proportion of people are worried about the impact of Coronavirus on jobs and the economy. Around one quarter of those employed or furloughed perceived a threat to their job.
  • In the main, the pandemic has had a negative impact on wellbeing. The proportion who feel lonely has remained at over 50% since December. However, optimism that things will get better soon has risen since January (30% to 60%).
  • Since January, a quarter or more agreed that they would avoid contacting a GP even if they had an immediate non-Coronavirus medical concern.
  • Three quarters of respondents agreed that the best thing to do is to follow the government's advice. This has remained high and stable through January and February. However, those stating they had engaged in a non-compliant activity has risen from the start of January (23% to 33%).
  • Those who strongly agreed that it was more important now than ever to stick to the rules had declined from 57% at the start of January to 40% at the end of February.
  • NHS Scotland was rated most highly of the institutions doing a good job to help Scotland deal with recovering from the pandemic.
  • Trust in the Scottish Government to work in Scotland's best interest remained stable (70% trust a 'great deal' or 'quite a lot') during January and February.
  • Among those not vaccinated, the proportion indicating they would be likely to receive a vaccination when it becomes available to them has remained high. Fewer than one in ten indicated they would be unlikely.



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