Public attitudes to coronavirus: November update
This report presents findings from polling work, conducted between March and August 2021, on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.
1 Scotland to move beyond level 0 - (
3 Description given: ‘One possible approach to allow entry to venues such as stadiums, arenas and nightclubs is to introduce a Covid certification scheme. The exact details of this would need to be confirmed but an example may involve showing a certificate that proves you have been fully vaccinated or tested negative in the last 48 hours’.
4 Question wording change at 24-25 August to “I am worried about the long lasting effects of the pandemic on jobs and our economy”
5 ONS, 2020 Respondents are asked ‘Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?’ and are asked to respond on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is "not at all" and 10 is "completely". The Annual Population Survey (APS) is a continuous household survey, covering the UK. It uses data from two waves of the main Labour Force Survey (LFS). The data comprise 12 months of survey data and are disseminated quarterly. The achieved sample size is approximately 320,000 respondents.
6 Public attitudes to coronavirus: April summary - (
7 Note question wording change. “I am worried about the effect of ongoing lockdown on my mental health”. This changed from 6-7 April to 4-5 May and on 29-30 June to “I am worried about the effect of ongoing restrictions on my mental health”. On 10-11 August this changed to: “I am worried about the effect of the ongoing pandemic on my mental health”
8 Note this question was paused from the end of March to the beginning of June due to the pre-election period.
9 Note this question was paused from the end of March to the beginning of June due to the pre-election period.
10 Note change of question wording. 10-11 August: “I feel clear what is required of me as the latest changes come in”. 24-25 August: “I feel clear about what is required of people who live in Scotland as the restrictions change”
11 Note this question was paused from the end of March to the beginning of June due to the pre-election period.
12 Full question: Thinking about ALL of the guidance on what to do and what not to do during the Coronavirus pandemic (including distancing, protection measures and all restrictions)... On a scale of 1-7, where 1 is 'Not at all' and 7 is 'Completely', to what extent do you feel you are following the regulations and guidance?
13 March 2021: all of mainland Scotland and some islands in lockdown with ‘Stay at Home’ guidance in place. 2 April 2021: Stay at Home regulations lifted in favour of a Stay Local order. 26 April: All of Scotland moves to Level 3 restrictions. 17 May: most of mainland Scotland moves to Level 2 restrictions, most of islands moves to Level 1. 5 June: Glasgow moves to Level 2 whilst 15 mainland local authorities move to Level 1. 19 July: Scotland moves to Level 0. 9 August: Scotland moves ‘beyond Level 0’.
14 Note Question Wording Changes: *’Doors’ added on 13/14 July. **Meeting outdoors ‘whenever possible’ replaced ‘only meeting outdoors’ on 13/14 July. ***Changed from ‘Washing hands every time you get back from trips outside the home’ to ‘Washing /sanitising hands regularly when out and about’ on 10-11 Aug. ****Distance changed from 2m to 1m/3ft on 13/14 July.
15 *’Doors’ added to the question on 13/14 July. **Meeting outdoors ‘whenever possible’ replaced ‘only meeting outdoors’ on 13/14 July.***Changed from ‘Washing hands every time you get back from trips outside the home’ to ‘Washing /sanitising hands regularly when out and about’ on 10-11 Aug. ****Distance changed to 1m/3ft on 13/14 July.
16 Question: “One possible approach to allow entry to venues such as stadiums, arenas and nightclubs is to introduce a Covid certification scheme. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements about using Covid certification to allow entry to certain venues?”
17 Question: In future there may be an app which could offer proof in digital form of covid vaccination and/or outcome of a recent PCR Test. This could enable entry to certain venues, allow participation in certain activities or allow international travel.If this app becomes available, how likely will you be to download and use it?
18 Note change of question wording: 29-30 June: “It is possible that the vaccination programme may be extended to children aged 12-17. How likely or unlikely would you be to support any child / children of yours from within the 12-17 age group receiving the vaccine if it were made available to them?” 10-11 August: “It has been announced that the vaccination programme will be extended to children aged 16-17, with the possibility of it being further extended to all children aged 12 and over. How likely or unlikely are you to support any child / children of yours from within the 12-17 age group receiving the vaccine when (or if) it is made available to them?”
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