
Public Attitudes to Poverty, Inequality and Welfare in Scotland and Britain

This report sets out public attitudes to poverty, inequality and welfare in Scotland and Britain, from a range of previously published sources. The report focuses on Scottish findings wherever possible, presenting British data as a proxy where Scottish data is not available.

6. Scottish Attitudes Towards Income Inequality And Redistribution

6.1. An emerging area of attitudinal research looks at attitudes to income inequality and redistribution. There are few questions on this topic at this point.

6.2. In 2013, 83% of people in Scotland said that the gap between those on high incomes and those on low incomes was too large. This is a slight increase from 2010, where 77% felt that the income gap was too large.

6.3. In 2014, 48% of respondents in Scotland agreed that the government should redistribute income from the better off to the less well off, 25% disagreed and 27% neither agreed nor disagreed.


Email: Communities Analystical Services

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