
Public attitudes towards fireworks in Scotland: representative omnibus survey

This report summarises results from an omnibus survey on public attitudes towards fireworks in Scotland.


1. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) shows where Scotland’s most deprived areas are; it is a relative measure of deprivation across small areas in Scotland. It looks at multiple deprivation. ‘Deprived’ does not just mean ‘poor’ or ‘low income’. It can also mean people have fewer resources and opportunities, for example in health and education. More information on SIMD can be found here

2. Socio-economic group is a classification system based on occupation that enables a household and all its members to be classified according to the occupation of the Chief Income Earner. ABC1 is a combination of the highest three socio-economic groups. C2DE is a combination of the lowest three socio-economic groups.

3. SIMD quintiles were used in the analysis, where the “most deprived” quintile is compared to all other quintiles, this is comparing those in the most deprived 20% of SIMD data zones to those in the less deprived 80% of SIMD data zones.

4. Base for urban/rural classification is lower as not all respondents provided their postcode for analysis by this variable.

5. Base for SIMD classification is lower as not all respondents provided their postcode for analysis by this variable.

6. Urban/rural classification is not available as the respondent did not provide their postcode for analysis by this variable.

7. Urban/rural classification is not available as the respondent did not provide their postcode for analysis by this variable.



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