Fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): consultation

Explains what the consultation aims to achieve, how it was developed, and what it will cover. It also outlines the consultation process and how to respond to it.

10. Consultation Questions

10.1 Part 1 Proposed Fisheries Management Measures

This part of the consultation seeks your views on the following questions regarding the proposed fisheries management measures within MPAs in the Scottish offshore region:

1. Do you support or oppose the proposed zonal fisheries management measures for offshore MPAs?

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

2. Do you have any comments on the proposed zonal fisheries management measures?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

3. Do you support or oppose the proposed full site fisheries management measures for offshore MPAs?

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

4. Do you have any comments on the proposed full site fisheries management measures?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

5. Do you have any comments on the Sustainability Appraisal (SA)?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

6. Do you have any comments on the draft Fisheries Assessments, including the methodology, which have been undertaken for each site?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

7. Do you have any comments on the Strategic Environmental Report (SEA)?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

8. Do you have any comments on the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA)?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

9. Do you have any comments on the partial Business Regulatory Impact Assessments (BRIAs) for the fisheries management measures?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

10. Do you have any comments on the partial Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA)?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

11. Do you wish to comment on the measures proposed for any specific sites?

  • Yes (progresses to Q12)
  • No (skips Q12-31)

12. A) Do you support the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

B) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

13. A) Do you support the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Braemar Pockmarks SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

B) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Braemar Pockmarks SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

14. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Central Fladen NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

    • Option 1 (zonal)
    • Option 2 (full site)
    • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Central Fladen NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Central Fladen NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

15. A) Do you support the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Darwin Mounds SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

B) Do you have any comments on the full site measures proposed in Darwin Mounds SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Please add your comments in the text box

16. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for East of Gannet and Montrose Fields NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for East of Gannet and Montrose Fields NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for East of Gannet and Montrose Fields NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

17. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for East Rockall Bank SAC under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B. Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for East Rockall Bank SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C. Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for East Rockall Bank SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

18. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

19. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Firth of Forth Banks Complex NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Firth of Forth Banks Complex NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Firth of Forth Banks Complex NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

20. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

21. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

22. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for North West Rockall Bank SAC under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 in North West Rockall Bank SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 in North West Rockall Bank SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

23. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 in Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 in Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

24. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Pobie Bank Reef SAC under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Pobie Bank Reef SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Pobie Bank Reef SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

25. A) Do you support the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Scanner Pockmark SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

B) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Scanner Pockmark SAC? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

26. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Solan Bank Reef SAC under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Solan Bank Reef SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Solan Bank Reef SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

27. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Stanton Banks SAC under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for Stanton Banks SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for Stanton Banks SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

28. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures options proposed under Option 1 for The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures options proposed for under Option 2 for The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

29. A) Do you support the full site fisheries management measures proposed for West of Scotland NCMPA? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose

B) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed in West of Scotland NCMPA? To note only one option for potential measures is proposed for this site.

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

30. A)Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for West Shetland Shelf NCMPA under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 for West Shetland Shelf NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 for West Shetland Shelf NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

31. A) Do you support the fisheries management measures proposed for Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC under Option 1 (zonal) or Option 2 (full site)?

  • Option 1 (zonal)
  • Option 2 (full site)
  • Neither

B) Do you have any comments on the zonal fisheries management measures proposed under Option 1 in Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

C) Do you have any comments on the full site fisheries management measures proposed under Option 2 in Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.

10.2 Part 2 Amendment of the West of Scotland MPA Boundary

This part of the consultation seeks your views on the proposed amendment of the West of Scotland NCMPA boundary.

32. What are your views on the proposed amended boundary for West of Scotland NCMPA?

  • Support
  • Neutral
  • Oppose
  • Please explain your answer in the text box

33. Do you have any comments on the revised Business Regulatory Impact Assessment for the boundary amendment for West of Scotland NCMPA?

  • Please add your comments in the text box.



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