
Climate change - national adaptation plan 2024 to 2029: consultation - easy read

The impacts of climate change are already being felt by people in Scotland. That is why, as well as taking action to reduce emissions, we must also take steps to adapt to climate change. This is an easy-read version of the consultation on the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029.

Conclusion and Next Steps

We are all living with the impacts of climate change, now and in the future. We must take action to ensure Scotland’s businesses, communities and our natural environment can cope with these changes.

We will have to live with the effects of climate change for many more years. That is why your views and lived experiences of climate impacts are so important. We need them to make a good plan for all of Scotland.

Along with this consultation, we will also be running a series of public events. The final Adaptation Plan will be published in September 2024.



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