
Climate change - public engagement: survey results 2022

Results of a representative survey of the Scottish public, focused on attitudes and engagement with climate change. The results will act as a baseline for the Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change.

Appendix 3: Sample profile

The table below summarise the profile of Scottish adults who took part in the survey. Where answers within the same category do not add up to the total number of respondents, this is because some participants chose not to provide this information.

    Base size % Unweighted % Weighted
Region Central Scotland 215 12% 12%
Glasgow 233 13% 13%
Highlands and Islands 126 7% 9%
Mid Scotland and Fife 224 13% 12%
North East Scotland 257 14% 14%
Lothian 271 15% 14%
South Scotland 211 12% 13%
West Scotland 245 14% 13%
Age sample 14 to 17 280 16% 5%
18 to 24 141 8% 10%
25 to 34 279 16% 16%
35 to 44 297 17% 15%
45 to 54 250 14% 16%
55 to 64 288 16% 16%
65+ 247 14% 23%
Gender Male 760 43% 48%
Female 965 54% 52%
Other 48 3% *%
Disability Yes 442 25% 25%
No 1305 73% 73%
Prefer not to say 35 2% 2%
Ethnicity White 1678 94% 95%
Ethnic minority 98 5% 5%
Education No / other qualifications 144 9% 16%
Non-degree level qualifications 735 45% 42%
Degree or above qualifications 608 37% 32%



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