
Public Health Review: Analysis of responses to the engagement paper

Analysis of responses to engagement questions to inform the Public Health Review in Scotland 2015

1 Introduction

1.1 In November 2014, Michael Matheson, then Minister for Public Health, announced that the Scottish Government would be undertaking a review of public health. An expert group, chaired by Dr Hamish Wilson, was established to take this forward, with a requirement to report back in 2015.

1.2 The terms of reference for the group are:

To undertake a review of public health systems and the delivery of all public health functions in Scotland with a strong focus on how public health contributes to improving health and wellbeing across the life-course, and reducing health inequalities for the future.

1.3 The review was given the task of examining:

  • Public health leadership and influence both within the health sector and more widely
  • Workforce planning and development, succession planning and resourcing for the multi-disciplinary core public health workforce
  • Opportunities for greater joined-up working and successful implementation of public health measures within the context of community planning, single outcome agreements, and health and social care integration.

1.4 It will make recommendations in relation to:

  • Strengthening the contribution of Public Health in Scotland in light of current and future population health challenges and the emerging policy and organisational contexts
  • Maximising the effectiveness and efficiency of the public health resource in Scotland
  • Achieving consistency where this will enhance quality and impact
  • Ensuring the responsiveness and resilience of the public health function for the future.

1.5 At its inaugural meeting in December 2014, the expert group agreed that the views of a wide range of stakeholders should inform the review. An engagement paper was drafted to seek input on five questions:

  • How can public health in Scotland best contribute to the challenges discussed [in the engagement paper]? Specifically, what is your view and evidence of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to the contribution of the public health function in improving Scotland’s health and reducing inequalities?
  • How can public health leadership in Scotland be developed to deliver maximum impact?
  • How do we strengthen and support partnerships to tackle the challenges and add greater value? How do we support the wider public health workforce within those partnerships to continue to develop and sustain their public health roles?
  • What would help to maintain a core/specialist public health resource that works effectively, is well co-ordinated and resilient?
  • How can we provide opportunities for professional development and workforce succession planning for the core public health workforce?

1.6 This report presents an analysis of stakeholders’ comments submitted in response to these questions.


Email: Heather Cowan

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