Public participation in policymaking: exploring and understanding impact

Through a review of academic literature and engagement with expert stakeholders in the field of participatory and deliberative democracy, this report explores how impact from public participation processes is conceptualised, occurs in practice, and might be better evaluated in a government setting.

Appendix A: Evaluation Framework – workshop with Scottish Government's Open Government civil society participation sub group

The aim of this workshop was to explore different ways to evaluate the various impacts which can arise from public participation processes. Drawing on the group's expertise, knowledge and practice experience we considered what is important when trying to understand impact and the different methods and tools which might be useful for doing so. The session took place online, lasting for one hour. During this time, we drew on an adapted version of KNOCA's Impact Evaluation Framework for Climate Assemblies.

Workshop schedule


  • Welcome, overview of workshop, introductions
  • Update on the project and interim findings


  • Evaluation: what do we want to understand?

When thinking about how to evaluate the impact of participation processes, what is important to measure, assess, understand?

Menti exercise and discussion


  • Adapting an existing framework: introducing KNOCA's evaluation framework


  • Applying the framework in different contexts

Referring to an adapted version of KNOCA's evaluation framework (attached), considering the following questions for different types of participation:

Which areas of impact are of interest for example participation processes?

How would these areas be evaluated? Small group exercise and discussion


  • Final thoughts and next steps



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