Offshore wind farm developments - public perceptions: survey

Findings from a survey exploring public perceptions of offshore wind farm (OWF) developments in Scotland. It describes whether and how respondents in Scotland have been impacted by OWFs, their attitudes to OWFs, and how OWFS affect their tourism and recreation choices.

Appendix B- Sample Frequencies

Perceptions of offshore wind farm Survey Sample Profile
All National Coastal
N % N % N %
Male 981 48 470 47 511 48
Female 1084 52 530 53 554 52
Age bands
Under 35 599 29 290 29 309 29
35-44 320 15 150 15 170 16
45-54 362 18 170 17 192 18
55-64 330 16 160 16 170 16
65+ 454 22 230 23 224 21
Aware of an offshore wind farm development
Yes 689 33 238 24 451 42
No 1372 66 760 76 612 57
Not answered 5 * 2 * 3 *
Total 2065 100 1000 100 1065 100
Awareness of offshore wind farm, by development
Aberdeen Bay 321 47 89 37 232 51
Beatrice 85 12 34 14 51 11
Hywind Buchan Deeps 20 3 6 2 14 3
Kincardine 78 11 37 16 41 9
Moray East 72 10 26 11 46 10
Neart na Gaoithe 32 5 7 3 25 6
Robin Rigg 28 4 13 5 15 3
Total 689 100 238 100 451 100



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