Offshore wind farm developments - public perceptions: survey

Findings from a survey exploring public perceptions of offshore wind farm (OWF) developments in Scotland. It describes whether and how respondents in Scotland have been impacted by OWFs, their attitudes to OWFs, and how OWFS affect their tourism and recreation choices.

Appendix A

National Questionnaire


The following questions are about offshore wind farms, located at sea, in Scotland.

Ask all

Q1. Looking at the list below, which do you think are the most important issues facing your local area? Please select a maximum of three issues.

Randomise order

  • Crime/anti-social behaviour/vandalism
  • Drugs
  • Education/schools
  • Unemployment/ lack of good jobs
  • Environment/pollution
  • Lack of facilities for older people, for example, social clubs
  • Lack of facilities for younger people, for example, youth clubs
  • Health care/ hospitals
  • Lack of outdoor/green space
  • Availability of housing/affordable housing
  • Access to sport and leisure facilities
  • Access to shopping facilities
  • Access to outdoor green space such as parks, woodlands or coastal areas
  • Poverty
  • Availability of adequate Public transport
  • Traffic/noise
  • Community relations/spirit
  • Something else (WRITE-IN)

Ask all

Q2. How important or not do you feel these sectors or industries are to

Scotland in terms of their social value? By social value, we mean their value to

society as a whole or to local communities.

Single code per line

Commercial sea fishing

Farming of fish and shellfish

Non-renewable energy such as oil and gas

Renewable energy such as wind, waves, tide

Transportation of goods / commercial shipping

Coastal tourism / recreation / cruises

Coastal protection such as seawalls

Scientific research such as marine biology

Ports and harbours

Military exercises such as by the Royal Navy

Construction such as shipbuilding

Scale: Very important, Quite important, Not very important, Not at all Important, DK

Ask all

Q3. How important or not do you feel these sectors or industries are to

Scotland in terms of their economic value? By economic value we mean generating tax revenue, creating and providing jobs. SINGLE CODE PER LINE

Commercial sea fishing

Farming of fish and shellfish

Non-renewable energy such as oil and gas

Renewable energy such as wind, waves, tide

Transportation of goods / commercial shipping

Coastal tourism / recreation / cruises

Coastal protection such as seawalls

Scientific research such as marine biology

Ports and harbours

Military exercises such as by the Royal Navy

Construction such as shipbuilding

Scale: Very important, Quite important, Not very important, Not at all Important, DK

Ask all

Q4a. Are you aware of any offshore wind farm located near to where you live?

Single code only

scale: yes/no

Ask if yes at q4a

Q4b. And, looking at the list below, which offshore wind farm located near you are you aware of? If you are aware of more than one, please select the one you know most about.

Code all that apply

Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (North),

Moray Offshore Wind Farm – East (North),

Hywind Buchan Deeps (North East),

Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm (North East),

Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm (North East)

Neart Na Gaoithe (East)

Robin Rigg (South West),

Other (Please write-in)

Ask all

Q5. And to what extent do you tend to approve or disapprove of offshore wind farms?

Scale: Strongly approve, tend to approve, neither/nor tend to disapprove, strongly disapprove, DK

Ask all

Q6a. And whether you approve or disapprove of offshore wind farms overall, which of the following statements comes closer to your view?

a. I have had the same opinion about offshore wind farms, and this has not changed over time


b. I have changed my opinion about offshore wind farms since I first knew about them


Ask if changed opinion (code b. at q6a.)

Q6b. And thinking about your views of offshore wind farms generally, which of the following statements best applies to you? SINGLE CODE ONLY

a. I used to approve of offshore wind farms but now disapprove of them

b. I used to disapprove of offshore wind farms but now approve of them


Ask all

Q7. And in the future, what factors do you think might change your mind about offshore wind farms either in favour of them or against them?

Please write in below

Ask all

Q8. In planning a visit to a coastal area in Scotland, have you ever deliberately avoided visiting an area because there are offshore wind turbines visible from the shore?

Scale: yes, no, dk, na

Ask all

Q9. Thinking about having a holiday in Scotland, which of the following statements comes closest to your view?

- If I could see turbines from an offshore wind farm while on holiday, I would be more likely to choose the holiday OR

- If I could see turbines from an offshore wind farm while on holiday, I would be less likely to choose the holiday OR

- If I could see turbines from an offshore wind farm while on holiday it would make no difference to my choice of holiday

Ask all

Q.10 Approximately how often do you visit the coast in a typical year? Single code only

  • I live by the coast,
  • Daily,
  • Weekly,
  • Fortnightly,
  • Monthly,
  • 6-10 times per year,
  • 2-5 times per year,
  • once per year,
  • less than once per year,
  • I have never visited the coast

Ask all

Q.11 Which, if any, of the following leisure activities have you done at the Scottish coast or sea in the last year? Code all that apply

  • Beach activities / games / picnics / BBQs
  • Beachcombing
  • Beach clean-ups
  • Diving/snorkelling
  • Dog walking
  • Eating seafood (fish/shellfish)
  • Kayaking/rowing/canoeing
  • Photography
  • Recreational fishing on the coast or in the sea
  • Sailing
  • Surfing/bodyboarding
  • Swimming
  • Walking/hiking/running
  • Wildlife watching
  • Windsurfing/kitesurfing
  • Other (write-in)
  • None

Q12. In the space below please put in your postcode

Ask to those in employment

Q13. Which sector do you work in?

Health/life sciences




Financial services


Other service sector

Third sector

Public sector

Energy & renewables

Creative industries



Other (please write in)

Coastal Questionnaire


The following questions are about offshore wind farms, located at sea, in Scotland.

Ask all

Q1. Looking at the list below, which do you think are the most important issues facing your local area? Please select a maximum of three issues.

Randomise order

  • Crime/anti-social behaviour/vandalism
  • Drugs
  • Education/schools
  • Unemployment/ lack of good jobs
  • Environment/pollution
  • Lack of facilities for older people, for example, social clubs
  • Lack of facilities for younger people, for example, youth clubs
  • Health care/ hospitals
  • Lack of outdoor/green space
  • Availability of housing/affordable housing
  • Access to sport and leisure facilities
  • Access to shopping facilities
  • Access to outdoor green space such as parks, woodlands or coastal areas
  • Poverty
  • Availability of adequate Public transport
  • Traffic/noise
  • Community relations/spirit
  • Something else (write-in)

Ask all

Q2. How important or not do you feel these sectors or industries are to

Scotland in terms of their social value? By social value, we mean their value to

society as a whole or to local communities. Single code per line

Commercial sea fishing

Farming of fish and shellfish

Non-renewable energy such as oil and gas

Renewable energy such as wind, waves, tide

Transportation of goods / commercial shipping

Coastal tourism / recreation / cruises

Coastal protection such as seawalls

Scientific research such as marine biology

Ports and harbours

Military exercises such as by the Royal Navy

Construction such as shipbuilding

Scale: Very important, Quite important, Not very important, Not at all Important, DK

Ask all

Q3. How important or not do you feel these sectors or industries are to

Scotland in terms of their economic value? By economic value we mean generating tax revenue, creating and providing jobs. Single code per line

Commercial sea fishing

Farming of fish and shellfish

Non-renewable energy such as oil and gas

Renewable energy such as wind, waves, tide

Transportation of goods / commercial shipping

Coastal tourism / recreation / cruises

Coastal protection such as seawalls

Scientific research such as marine biology

Ports and harbours

Military exercises such as by the Royal Navy

Construction such as shipbuilding

Scale: Very important, Quite important, Not very important, Not at all Important, dk

Ask all

Q4a. Are you aware of any offshore wind farm located near to where you live?

Single code only

scale: yes/no

Ask if yes at q4a

Q4b. And, looking at the list below, which offshore wind farm located near you are you aware of? If you are aware of more than one, please select the one you know most about.

Code all that apply

Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (North),

Moray Offshore Wind Farm – East (North),

Hywind Buchan Deeps (North East),

Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm (North East),

Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm (North East)

Neart Na Gaoithe (East)

Robin Rigg (South West),

Other (Please write-in)

Ask all

Q5. And to what extent do you tend to approve or disapprove of offshore wind farms?

Scale: Strongly approve, tend to approve, neither/nor tend to disapprove, strongly disapprove, DK

Ask all

Q6a. And whether you approve or disapprove of offshore wind farms overall, which of the following statements comes closer to your view?

c. I have had the same opinion about offshore wind farms, and this has not changed over time


d. I have changed my opinion about offshore wind farms since I first knew about them


Ask if changed opinion (code b. At q6a.)

Q6b. And thinking about your views of offshore wind farms generally, which of the following statements best applies to you? Single code only

c. I used to approve of offshore wind farms but now disapprove of them

d. I used to disapprove of offshore wind farms but now approve of them


Ask those in coastal area with wind farms (priority 1, 2 and 3)

Q7. Thinking specifically about your views of offshore wind farms in your area, which of the following comes closest to your view

Single code only

a. I approved of offshore wind farms before one was developed in my area and still approve of them now,

b. I approved of offshore wind farms before one was developed in my area but disapprove of them now,

c. I disapproved of offshore wind farms before one was developed in my area and still disapprove of them now

d. I disapproved of offshore wind farms before one was developed in my area but approve of them now

e. DK

Ask those whose opinion has changed after wind farm developed in their area – either oppose to support or support to oppose – codes b. Or d. At q7)

Q8. And why has your opinion of offshore wind farms in your local area changed?

Please write in below

Ask all

Q9. And in the future, what factors do you think might change your mind about offshore wind farms either in favour of them or against them?

Please write in below

Ask all

Q10. In planning a visit to a coastal area in Scotland, have you ever deliberately avoided visiting an area because there are offshore wind turbines visible from the shore?

Scale: yes, no, dk, na

Ask all

Q11. Thinking about having a holiday in Scotland, which of the following statements comes closest to your view?

  • If I could see turbines from an offshore wind farm while on holiday, I would be more likely to choose the holiday OR
  • If I could see turbines from an offshore wind farm while on holiday, I would be less likely to choose the holiday OR
  • If I could see turbines from an offshore wind farm while on holiday it would make no difference to my choice of holiday

Ask all in priority 1, 2 and 3 areas

Q12. Thinking about the impact of offshore wind farms in your area, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Single code per line

Randomise order

  • Offshore wind farms are a positive feature of the coastal landscape,
  • Offshore wind farms create new recreational opportunities (for example, boat trips, viewing),
  • Offshore wind farms detract from the traditional image of the coast,
  • Offshore wind farms improve the quality of recreational experiences,
  • Offshore wind farms provide a boost for the local economy

Scale: strongly agree, tend to agree, neither agree nor disagree, tend to disagree, strongly disagree.

Ask all in priority 1, 2 and 3 areas

Q13. Overall, what impact, if any, would you say that offshore wind farms have had on your quality of life?

SCALE: strong positive impact, positive impact, no impact, negative impact, strong negative impact, don't know

Ask all in priority 1, 2 and 3 areas

Q14. And what impact, if any, do you think that offshore wind farms in your area have had on the following?

Randomise order single code per line

  • Community character
  • Community relations
  • Landscape/seascape character
  • Feelings about the future
  • Local infrastructure
  • Enjoyment of the outdoors
  • The value of my home
  • My livelihood
  • Something else (write-in)

Scale: strong positive impact, positive impact, no impact, negative impact, strong negative impact, dk

Ask all in priority 1 2 and 3 areas

Q15. Thinking about the wind farm closest to you, has the impact of it been better than you expected, worse than you expected or as you expected in terms of the following issues?

Randomise order

  • benefits for the local community
  • disruption to my life
  • the local landscape/views
  • ability to enjoy time spent outdoors in the local area
  • Local job opportunities

Scale: better than you expected, worse than you expected, same as you expected, dk

Ask all in priority 1 2 and 3 areas

Q16. Thinking about the different components of the offshore wind farm closest to you, what impact on you, if any, has each had

  • The wind turbines (located offshore)
  • The onshore infrastructure related to the wind farm
  • Community benefit schemes linked to the wind farm, for example funding for local community projects or training schemes,
  • The broader port area

Scale: strong positive impact, positive impact, no impact, negative impact, strong negative impact, dk/na

Ask all in priority 1 2 and 3 areas

Q17a. Thinking about the different stages of the wind farm development listed below, how good or poor was your experience of each?

  • The planning process (before building began)
  • The consultation – your ability to contribute to the process
  • The construction stage (building work offshore and onshore)
  • The operational stage (once the wind farm is up and running)

Scale, very good, fairly good, neither/nor, fairly poor, very poor, dk, na

Ask all in priority 1 2 and 3 areas

Q17b. And thinking about the consultation process, how good or poor was it in terms of the following?

  • the amount of information provided by the developers
  • the usefulness of the information provided by the developers
  • The opportunity to meaningfully influence the process

Scale: very good, fairly good, neither/nor, fairly poor, very poor, dk, na

Ask all

Q.18 Approximately how often do you visit the coast in a typical year? Single code only

  • I live by the coast,
  • Daily,
  • Weekly,
  • Fortnightly,
  • Monthly,
  • 6-10 times per year,
  • 2-5 times per year,
  • once per year,
  • less than once per year,
  • I have never visited the coast

Ask all

Q.19 Which, if any, of the following leisure activities have you done at the Scottish coast or sea in the last year? Code all that apply

  • Beach activities / games / picnics / BBQs
  • Beachcombing
  • Beach clean-ups
  • Diving/snorkelling
  • Dog walking
  • Eating seafood (fish/shellfish)
  • Kayaking/rowing/canoeing
  • Photography
  • Recreational fishing on the coast or in the sea
  • Sailing
  • Surfing/bodyboarding
  • Swimming
  • Walking/hiking/running
  • Wildlife watching
  • Windsurfing/kitesurfing
  • Other (WRITE-IN)
  • None

Q20. In the space below please put in your postcode

Ask to those in employment

Q21. Which sector do you work in?

Health/life sciences




Financial services


Other service sector

Third sector

Public sector

Energy & renewables

Creative industries



Other (please write in)



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