
Scottish procurement policy handbook

Rules and standards for public procurement. This document has been replaced with an updated Policy Handbook, published in May 2024.

1 Introduction

The Procurement Policy Handbook sets out the fundamental rules, behaviours and standards applicable to public procurement activity in Scotland.

The Review of Public Procurement in Scotland by John McClelland (published in March 2006) recommended (section 7.1) that:

"A public sector wide Procurement Policy Handbook should be established offering a standard and well documented approach to be utilised across all of the public sector."

This document has been developed in response to that recommendation, in consultation with the Procurement Policy Forum. It has been endorsed by the Public Procurement Reform Board ( PPRB). Information on the Forum and the PPRB is available on the SPD website:

The Handbook should be read in conjunction with Scottish Procurement Policy Notes ( SPPNs) and other supporting documents issued by the Scottish Procurement Directorate ( SPD). The Handbook provides an overarching framework; it does not replace an organisation's policy manual 1 or sector-specific policy guidance issued by the Centres of Procurement Expertise. Each contracting authority is responsible for reviewing its policy and procedures to ensure consistency with the Handbook. Similarly, the Centres of Procurement Expertise should ensure that any supplementary, sector-specific policy guidance is consistent with the Handbook.

The Handbook is available to download from the SPD website, which provides access to published guidance and includes contact details for further enquiries:

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