
Scottish procurement policy handbook

Rules and standards for public procurement. This document has been replaced with an updated Policy Handbook, published in May 2024.


The Scottish Procurement Directorate would like to thank all members of the Procurement Policy Forum, and others who have participated on this project, in particular:

David Alexander - Stevenson College Edinburgh
Gordon Beattie - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Ian Burdon - eProcurement Scotl@nd
John Cosgrove - Fife Council
Dorothy Cowie - Scotland Excel
Richard Dennis - Finance Directorate, Scottish Government
Neil Dickson - Visit Scotland
Calum Elliot - National Procurement Centre of Expertise
Colin Elliott - Stirling University
Helen Foster - Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges
Charlie Fisher - Construction Advice and Policy Division, SPD
Dick Gill - Audit Scotland
Ashley Gould - Highland Council
Barry Graham - Central Government Centre of Procurement Expertise
Lesley Horne - Association of Directors of Social Work Contracts and Commissioning Group
Ian Kelly - Strathclyde Police
Tommy Mann - Chief Fire Officers Association (Scotland)
Stephen McDonagh - Chief Fire Officers Association (Scotland)
Jim Miller - National Procurement, NHS National Services Scotland
David Wares - Scottish Prison Service
Alistair Wyllie - Construction Advice and Policy Division, SPD
Judith Young - Greener Scotland Division, Scottish Government

Scottish Procurement Directorate Policy and Development Division

Paul McNulty, Iain Moore, Jessie Laurie, Hazel Malcolm

Further Information

Please e-mail any queries to or or phone 0141 242 5915.

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