
Broadband infrastructure in Scotland: public review

A public review to confirm eligible premises for public investment via Project Gigabit, which has an ambition to deliver nationwide gigabit-capable broadband as soon as possible.

Annex A: Data Submission Format


The Scottish Government requires certain fields of data for each pertinent Scottish address as identified by the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) in order to monitor the current and future delivery of Gigabit broadband capable services. This is done by requesting data on current and future connections from relevant suppliers. The below describes the format of our request file and how to format the data to return to us. If you require any additional support, guidance or clarification with this, please get in touch with us at

UPRN List Files

We have supplied a blank template showing the UPRNs across Scotland that we consider relevant to the OMR/PR process. The purpose of providing this information to you is to present the UPRNs that we recognise and the format of the submission you should provide to us. Your response does not need to align with this baseline however any premises in your submission which do not align to will be filtered out in analysis. If you are likely to re-use your submission for future OMR/PRs we would actively encourage you not to align with our baseline as it may change over time.

These UPRNs have been sourced from Address Base Premium Epoch 98, from Ordnance Survey published 6th January 2023 using the following high level logic:

  • Addressbase_postal must be ‘D’, ‘C’ or’ L’ values. ‘N’ records, not a postal address, are excluded.
  • Country has to be ‘S’, explicitly Scottish addresses, or ‘J’ where premises is outwith the Scottish mean high-water mark.
  • Address is in AddressBase Plus, i.e. not historic.
  • Address is not a PO Box.
  • Address has an eligible classification.
  • Address is not an OR04/Custodian code 7655 premises i.e. only accept addresses that originate from a Local Authority, rather than records inserted by Geoplace that reproduce unmatched Royal Mail records.

Even though we are, at this stage, specifically focussing on data for the area listed above, for the purposes of our broadband planning we would be grateful for your full broadband plans, including premises that are outside of these geographic areas, and/or outside of the premises base provided in the template files.

Please do not pre-filter your data based on the template files, instead please provide us with your entire UPRN dataset.

If you are using the template files as the starting point for your return, please remove any UPRN rows which are not part of your current or planned network.

Please note that final UPRN datasets generated during intervention area design and issued as part of the invitation to tender for procurements are further filtered, and deprioritised where necessary subject to factors such as UPRN proximity, type and location.

Explanation of Required Fields

The information that we provide against each property / premises is as follows:

Field Name



The UPRN (see below) prepended with "STR", this is a mitigation against certain spreadsheet tools treating the UPRN as a large number and removing significant digits



Field Name



The unique property reference number



Field Name



Comma delimited single line address eg 1, Acacia Avenue, Anytown



Field Name



Standard postcode



Field Name



(x coordinate) in British National Grid



Field Name



(y coordinate) in British National Grid



Field Name



Longitude in the decimal degree format



Field Name



Latitude in the decimal degree format



The information that we ask for against each property/premises is as follows:

Field Name

Current Technology


Complete this field for UPRNs which are Ready for Service (RFS) only.

The technology you use for supplying that particular premises, examples of this could be ADSL, FTTP, FTTC etc

Applicable to UPRNs with current service only from your own infrastructure.



Field Name

Current Maximum Download Speed (Mbps)


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Current Technology.

Available maximum download speed at premise level that you are able to supply to the property.



Field Name

Current Maximum Upload Speed (Mbps)


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Current Technology.

Available maximum upload speed at premise level that you are able to supply to the property.



Field Name

Future Technology


Complete this field for UPRNs that you plan to connect and/or upgrade only.

The technology you intend to use for supplying that particular premises, examples of this could be FTTP, FTTC etc

Applicable to UPRNs you plan to connect/upgrade in the next 3 years.



Field Name

Future Maximum Download Speed (Mbps)


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Future Technology.

The maximum proposed download speed that you intend to be able to supply to this property under a future build plan.



Field Name

Future Maximum Upload Speed (Mbps)


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Future Technology.

The maximum proposed upload speed that you intend to be able to supply to this property under a future build plan.



Field Name

Date of Future Rollout


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Future Technology.

This should be the RFS date for the premises. The date at which RSPs can offer products or services to the individual premises. This should not be the date that build commences.



Field Name



This column can be used to record any additional information deemed useful by the supplier.


Free form text

Field Name

Delivery Phase


The planned phase for any future rollout which each UPRN shall form part of, e.g. Phase 1/Phase 2 etc, in line with your deployment plan and supporting evidence.

(Complete this field for all UPRNs with ‘Future_Technology’)

These phases should align to your Calendar Deployment Plan and should correlate and be consistent with the information contained in your Supporting Evidence Pack. Please include context regarding each delivery phase in your supporting evidence such as the risks and dependencies for the successful delivery of each phase and the mitigations/arrangements that you have in place to address these risks; a description regarding your resourcing plan for each phase; key milestones within each phase and the subsequent activities/timeframes to achieve RFS.



Field Name

Design Stage


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Current Technology or Future Technology.

The current phase of your future coverage such as:

‘1. Awaiting HLD - High Level Design (HLD) has not yet been completed.

‘2. HLD complete’ - HLD/area level plan has been completed. However, Low Level Design (LLD) work has not yet been completed or is in progress.

‘3. LLD complete’ - Low Level Design (LLD) and survey work has been completed, however, subcontractors/build partners, or in-house resources to complete the network build, are still to be appointed.

‘4. Build team appointed’ - Subcontractors / build partners or if applicable in-house civil resource has been appointed and commissioned to start the network build in accordance with the LLDs. All the necessary planning, acquisitions and wayleave agreements are finalised to allow the network to be constructed.

‘5. In build’ - Network build is in progress, however premises are not yet able to take up a service.

‘6. RFS - Network build and end-to-end testing is complete and premises are Ready for Service (RFS) ie RSPs are able to offer products or services to the individual premises

Note: If you are intending to use different descriptions to those above, or if you have different interpretations of the above categories, please include full explanations of each field entry in your supporting evidence submission to accompany this data submission.



Field Name

Funding Stage


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Future Technology.

The current status of funding allocated to the UPRN. If your funding allocation is linked to your Delivery Phase please reflect that in your data and explain that in your supporting evidence. Please be aware that our assessment of supplier returns will be based, in full, on the evidence requested in Annex B. As such, we cannot guarantee that we will accept how suppliers have categorised the status of their funding position. Field entries to use:

‘1. No funding planned or committed’ - While you may be planning to deliver to this UPRN, the funding is not yet in place to do so and/or you are seeking funding.

‘2. Funding planned, but not committed’ - You have in principle funding agreed to deliver to this UPRN, but the funding is not immediately available, requires further decisions such as Board approval, or is dependent on (for example) performance metrics.

‘3. Funding committed’ - Funding has been identified and has been allocated to delivery of this UPRN. There are no further conditions around drawing down or using funding and the funding is ring-fenced solely for the delivery of associated premises. This should be explained clearly in your financial plan, which should be provided as part of your Supporting Evidence Pack.



Field Name

Public Intervention


Complete this field for all UPRNs with Current Technology or Future Technology.

Please define if coverage has been or is planned to be connected using a public intervention. ‘Yes’ will be marked when a premises is dependent on funding from Vouchers (GBVS and SBVS), Gigahubs, Superfast (DSSB and R100), LFFN ,RGC or Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy (GIS) Programmes, or when an existing service was built with funding from one of those Programmes. Other public interventions (such as Local Authority schemes) should also be acknowledged and marked as a ‘Yes’ here. Further explanation should be provided in your Supporting Evidence Pack.

An entry of ‘No’ would indicate that the premises is planned to be built, or already has been built, entirely through commercial funding with no dependency on public intervention. Evidence of this funding should be provided in your supporting evidence.

Please also note that where you have indicated that a UPRN is entirely dependent on public intervention by providing a ‘Yes’ in the ‘Public Intervention’ column within your data coverage response, our approach is to provide a default ‘Gigabit White’ determination and to supersede this determination with intervention data as described in the OMR/PR - Subsidy Control Classification Guidance[10].



Extra columns

Aside from the standard columns above, you may wish to add additional columns to provide further additional information about your network. If this is the case, please add additional column(s) at the end of your data return and provide clear explanation in your supporting evidence of what these columns indicate.



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