
Public Sector Employment in Scotland - Statistics for the 2nd Quarter of 2014

The statistics in this release are based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at June 2014. The publication includes information on public sector employment in Scotland with distinctions made for employment in devolved bodies and reserved bodies (located in Scotland).

Table 4: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Not Seasonally Adjusted

Total Devolved Public Sector NHS6 Civil Service Police and Fire Services2 Further Education Colleges3,5 Other Public Bodies3 Local Government2,4 Public Corporations
Q2 1999 470,900 129,100 14,600 - 15,700 8,500 293,500 9,500
Q2 2008 525,400 155,200 17,000 - 16,900 15,900 313,700 6,800
Q2 2009 522,100 159,300 17,500 - 16,900 15,800 306,300 6,300
Q2 2010 517,900 160,100 17,700 - 16,000 15,800 301,900 6,400
Q2 2011 499,000 155,300 17,500 - 15,900 14,800 289,000 6,400
Q2 2012 489,000 154,900 16,600 - 14,500 14,600 282,000 6,500
Q2 2013 486,000 156,600 16,700 30,200 13,400 14,000 248,100 7,000
Q2 2014 487,300 159,100 17,200 28,600 13,500 13,900 247,000 8,100
Change on year to:
Q2 2014 1,300 2,400 500 -1,500 100 -100 -1,100 1,100
% change on year:
Q2 2014 0.3% 1.6% 2.8% -5.1% 0.6% -1.0% -0.4% 15.6%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred; percentages are based on unrounded figures. "-" denotes blank entries.

2. Police and Fire Reform: Some of the change on year estimates will be affected by reclassification of organisations as a result of reforms to the police and fire services in Scotland. From Q2 2013 Police and Fire Services have been reclassified as central government rather than local government. This reclassification has had an impact on the staffing numbers in both these categories. Also, from Q2 2013 staffing levels for the Scottish Police Authority (previously Scottish Police Services Authority) are included within the Police and Fire Services category in the table above (previously included in other public bodies).

3. In October 2012 the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) merged with 3 colleges to form Scotland's Rural College. This new organisation is classified as a public body (as the SAC was). This has resulted in staffing levels moving from the Further Education to Other Public Bodies categories to reflect the merger of these organisations.

4. A number of local government staff have transferred to arms length organisations which are part of the private sector under National Accounts definitions. For example, staff transferred from Glasgow City Council to Cordia Limited Liability Partnership from 1 April 2009 thus explaining the decrease in local government employment between 2008 and 2009.

5. Information for further education colleges in Scotland is based on collected information from Q4 2010. The method used to create the back series is detailed in the background notes of this publication.

6. From Q4 2011, NHS has responsibility for employing Healthcare staff within prisons. Previously, these people were employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS). Also, In Q2 2012 1,491 & 1062.1 WTE headcount staff transferred from Highland Council to NHS Highland as a result of the move to integrated health and social care services.

7. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:


Email: Claire Gordon

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