
Public Sector Employment in Scotland - Statistics for the 2nd Quarter of 2014

The statistics in this release are based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at June 2014. The publication includes information on public sector employment in Scotland with distinctions made for employment in devolved bodies and reserved bodies (located in Scotland).

2. Public Sector Employment by Devolved and Reserved Responsibility; Headcount (Table 3)

The devolved public sector covers those bodies which are the responsibility of the Scottish Government or Scottish Parliament while the reserved public sector in Scotland covers those bodies for which the UK Government has ministerial responsibility.

Figure 2: Make-up of the Scottish Public Sector, Q2 2014, Headcount[2]

Figure 2: Make-up of the Scottish Public Sector, Q2 2014, Headcount

Changes in the devolved and reserved public sector are explored in more detail in sections 3 and 4 respectively.

Chart 3 below shows how the decrease of 36,100 seen for the overall public sector in Scotland is split between the devolved and reserved public sector. The majority of the reduction in reserved public sector was the result of the reclassification of Lloyds Banking Group plc. to the private sector in Q1 2014 as well as the reclassification of the Royal Mail Group Limited and Direct Line Group plc. in Q4 2013 from reserved public corporations into the private sector.

Chart 3: Annual Change (from Q2 2013 to Q2 2014) in Public Sector Employment by Devolved and Reserved Responsibility, Headcount

Chart 3: Annual Change (from Q2 2013 to Q2 2014) in Public Sector Employment by Devolved and Reserved Responsibility, Headcount


Email: Claire Gordon

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