Public Sector Employment in Scotland Statistics for 2nd Quarter 2022

Statistics based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at June 2022.

Table 5: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time equivalent 1,4

Not Seasonally Adjusted

Quarter Total Devolved Public Sector NHS Civil Service Police and Fire Services2 Further Education Colleges3 Other Public Bodies Local Government2 Public Corporations
Q2 1999 384,600 106,200 14,100 - 11,500 7,700 236,000 9,000
Q2 2016 425,000 138,100 16,000 27,300 10,600 14,000 199,000 20,000
Q2 2017 425,400 138,900 16,100 27,000 10,300 14,200 198,000 21,000
Q2 2018 426,100 139,100 16,500 26,900 10,200 14,400 198,000 21,000
Q2 2019 422,900 140,300 18,900 27,300 10,500 14,600 203,000 8,000
Q2 2020 438,300 147,300 20,200 27,600 10,300 14,200 206,000 13,000
Q2 2021 449,300 152,600 21,500 27,600 10,400 13,900 211,000 13,000
Q2 2022 459,300 155,200 26,000 26,900 10,300 14,300 214,000 13,000
Change on year to Q2 2022 9,950 2,590 4,490 -640 -80 410 3,130 70
% change on year Q2 2022 2.2% 1.7% 20.9% -2.3% -0.8% 2.9% 1.5% 0.5%


1. Employment figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred, with the exception of local government and public corporation figures which are rounded to the nearest thousand; change on year rounded to the nearest ten; percentages are based on unrounded figures. "-" denotes blank entries. Totals may not equal the sum of individual parts due to rounding.

2. Police and Fire Reform: From Q2 2013 Police and Fire Services have been reclassified as central government rather than local government (as their predecessors were). All police staff are employed by the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) whether deployed with the SPA or with the Police Service of Scotland.

3. Information for further education colleges in Scotland is based on collected information from Q4 2010. The method used to create the back series is detailed in the background notes of this publication.

4. For further information on interpreting these series, see the series reclassification guide or background notes of the publication.



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