Public Sector Employment in Scotland Statistics for 3rd Quarter 2022

Statistics based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at September 2022.

List of Tables

Please note: figures for previous years in the tables may differ from those in the Public Sector Employment in Scotland, Statistics for 3rd Quarter of 2021 publication released in December 2021 due to the reclassification of organisations out of the public sector, reweighting of the ONS Labour Force Survey estimates (reweighted in June 2022) and revisions to data provided for some organisations (particularly in Local Government).

These tables are also provided in ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format as a supplementary document accompanying this publication. The ODS version conforms to the Scottish Government's accessibility guidelines.

Table 1: Number of people employed by public and private sector; Scotland, Headcount

Table 2: Public sector employment by devolved and reserved sector; Scotland, Headcount and Full-time equivalent

Table 3: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Table 4: Total reserved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Table 5: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time Equivalent

Table 6: Total reserved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time Equivalent

These tables include comparisons for Q1 in 1999 and 2015 to 2022 only. A complete time series, including all quarters back to Q1 1999, is provided in the

Public Sector Employment web tables



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