Public Sector Pay Policy 2024-25 Technical Guide Update Chief Executive Framework

Update to the Technical Guide Chief Executive Framework. Supports the application of the public sector pay policy.

Annual Uplifts

Annual basic pay increase for Chief Executives

1.7 The annual basic pay uplift amounts for Chief Executives are set out in pay parameters and limits section. The Pay Policy position is that this payment will be in addition to any progression increase (where eligible).

1.8 The Pay Policy aims for a link between senior staff uplifts and Chief Executive uplifts to help preserve and maintain current pay differentials. As such, recent and previous pay uplifts for these cohorts are a determining factor in setting the Chief Executive annual uplift. Additionally, longer term comparisons and trends between previous years Senior Civil Service uplifts and Chief Executive uplifts are also taken into consideration when determining the annual uplift.

Progression for Chief Executives

1.9 Where a Chief Executive is eligible for pay progression, this is limited to the specified capped maximum per cent as set out in the pay parameters and limits section and the increase should not result in the Chief Executive’s pay exceeding their pay range maxima.

1.10 In calculating any award, the expectation is that progression, where eligible, will be considered first prior to applying the basic award.



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