
Public Sector Pay Policy for Staff Pay Remits 2009-10

Pay policy for all Scottish public sector bodies whose pay requires the approval of Scottish Ministers.


Foreword by Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth

John Swinney photograph

This Government has a very clear Purpose - to increase sustainable economic growth for Scotland.

  • This is underpinned by five strategic objectives:
  • A wealthier and fairer Scotland;
  • A smarter Scotland;
  • A healthier Scotland;
  • A safer and stronger Scotland; and
  • A greener Scotland.

Achieving this Purpose and delivering all 5 objectives drives all our decisions.

Scottish public bodies have a crucial role to play in helping us achieve our goals. I recognise that people are key to what we can achieve and employees in the civil service, NDPBs and public corporations - at every level - make a vital contribution to this work.

We have to achieve our aims within the tightest financial settlement provided to any Scottish Administration, and in the face of difficult economic conditions and considerable uncertainty. So we need to spend the resources available in the best possible way to have the maximum impact on delivering our Purpose. It is therefore essential that we maintain affordable and sustainable pay settlements. This means that a tight pay policy framework is necessary, with strict limits within which your decisions are taken.

I expect you to comply fully with this policy and work within its parameters. The policy does have some flexibility to allow modest amounts of money to be targeted at making a difference on pay priorities. Whether that is dealing with low pay in the public sector, addressing inequalities in pay and reward systems, or making sure that you can recruit, retain and motivate your staff to deliver the outcomes expected of you and of your organisations.

The policy we have put in place offers a realistic approach to public sector pay in the current financial climate. It provides strict limits but also offers flexibility in dealing with key issues. It is a policy which is right for public bodies, right for Scotland and works towards our Purpose of increasing sustainable economic growth.

John Swinney signature

John Swinney
Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth

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