Public sector pay policy for staff pay remits 2019-2020: technical guide

Supports the application of the 2019-2020 public sector pay policy and applies to staff in the Scottish Government and its associated departments, agencies, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and public corporations.

6. Pay Settlements

What information is a public body required to provide once it has implemented its pay settlement?

6.1 It is important that public bodies provide confirmation that they have implemented their pay settlement and met all the conditions made as part of their approved remit in the settlement proforma. The settlement proforma must be completed and returned to the Finance Pay Policy team within one month of a public body's settlement being implemented.

6.2 Public bodies should contact the Finance Pay Policy team if they require any assistance in providing any of the above information.

What happens if a public body exceeds its pay remit?

6.3 Ministers expect all public bodies to adhere to the basis on which their remit has been approved. If a public body exceeds the key pay metrics in their approved remit; or deviates from the basis on which the remit was approved; or negotiates changes to pay and conditions without detailing or costing them in their pay remit proposals then they will be considered to have exceeded their approved pay remit.

6.4 There may be circumstances that could not have been foreseen at the time the public body submitted its remit for approval. If this means the public body will exceed or deviate from its approved remit, they must contact the Finance Pay Policy team at the earliest opportunity.

6.5 Remuneration Group will consider whether the issue needs to be brought to the attention of Ministers. It will then be the responsibility of the sponsor team and Accountable Officer to justify the matter to the Portfolio Minister and the Deputy First Minister. Examples of this would be where the public body has significantly exceeded the approved remit or has materially moved away from the basis of that remit. In such instances, the Remuneration Group expect Ministers will take action such as the capping of future pay remits or a governance review of the body.



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