
Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 - Part 2 order making powers extension: consultation

Consultation to seek views on whether Scottish Ministers should continue to hold order making powers under Part 2 of Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.


Scottish Ministers currently hold powers to propose changes to the law, in ways that are more streamlined and flexible than a new Act of the Scottish Parliament would require, in two specific instances. These situations are to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of public service functions; and to reduce or remove burdens for any person resulting from legislation. These powers have been in place since the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 came into force and require to be renewed every 5 years in order to continue. This consultation seeks views on whether Scottish Ministers should continue to hold these powers.

Why Your Views Matter

By taking part in this consultation, you will help shape decisions on whether Scottish Ministers should seek the approval of the Scottish Parliament to renew these powers for a further 5 year period. Your views will also help us understand the potential impacts (both positive and negative) that doing so may have.

What Happens Next

Following the closing date, all responses will be analysed and considered along with any other available evidence to help decide on next steps. If Ministers then decide to seek the approval of the Scottish Parliament to extend these powers, they will take steps to lay the necessary draft Order before Parliament.



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