Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010: Section 112(1): Guidance on Duty of User Focus for Listed Scrutiny Authorities
Guidance for statutory duty of user focus
3.1 Listed authorities should consider how best to measure their success in achieving continuous improvement, including capturing the perspectives of service users, those who contributed in the areas described in this guidance and service providers. For example, listed authorities could consider using forums, events or questionnaires to gauge whether their activities have been recognised by users and providers as improvement in user focus.
3.2 Where possible, listed authorities should provide timely feedback to all those who participate in scrutiny (whether in governance, design or carrying out scrutiny) about the impact which has been made as a result of their collective input.
3.3 Listed authorities which do not already do so should consider including coverage of their improvement in user focus, such as evidence of impact, benefits and outcomes, in their annual business plans, in Annual Reports and on their websites. Where authorities already report on public participation or user involvement or other related activities it may be useful to add something to those which makes clear the link between existing good practice and the duty of user focus.
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