PVG scheme for members of boards of health bodies: consultation

Consultation on proposals to make it a requirement for members of Boards of Health Bodies to be members of the PVG Scheme.

Annex C

Cost Implications

6. PVG Scheme costs are £59 for new registrants and £18 for Scheme Updates. They can be met by the individual or employer. Executive members of Health Boards are also employees of the Board and may already be members of the PVG Scheme. Therefore, the initial cost of implementing this policy has been worked out on basis of requiring all existing non-executives to be entered onto the PVG Scheme.

Health Board Projected Cost of PVG Scheme Membership for existing non-executive members
NHS Ayrshire & Arran £767
NHS Borders £531
NHS Dumfries & Galloway £590
NHS Fife £649
NHS Forth Valley £708
NHS Grampian £885
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde £1,593
NHS Highland £826
NHS Lanarkshire £590
NHS Lothian £1,003
NHS Orkney £531
NHS Shetland £531
NHS Tayside £1,003
NHS Western Isles £531
NHS 24 £649
NHS Education for Scotland £472
NHS Health Scotland Board £531
NHS National Waiting Times Centre Board £472
Scottish Ambulance Service £590
The State Hospitals Board for Scotland £354
The Common Services Agency (known as National Services Scotland) £472
Healthcare Improvement Scotland £708
Total £14,986

7. Most Health Bodies undertake an appointment round each year to replace between 1 and 4 members. Therefore ongoing costs are likely to be between £59 - £236 per annum.


Laurie Whyte

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