Qualifications Body Transition Board minutes - 25 June 2024

Minutes of the meeting on 25 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Shirley Rogers SQA Board Chair - Transition Board Co-Chair (SR)
  • Clare Hicks, Scottish Government (SG), Director of Education Reform - Transition Board Co-Chair (CH)
  • Kirsty Ayed, School Leaders Scotland (KA)
  • Liz Cunningham, SQA Unison Representative (LC)
  • Euan Duncan, Scottish Secondary Teachers Association (ED)
  • Iain Glennie, Scottish Secondary Teachers Association (IG)
  • Tom Hall, Colleges Scotland (TH)
  • Laurence Findlay, ADES, Aberdeenshire Council (LF)
  • Seán Hagney, SQA Board member (SH)
  • Andy Harvey, EIS (AH)
  • Allan Lindsay, Young Scot (AL)
  • Claire McPherson - Universities Scotland (CM)
  • Stuart McKenna, Scottish Training Federation (SM)
  • Isabel Nisbet, Independent Adviser (IN)
  • John Evans, SCQF
  • Jon Reid, SLS/ADES, Falkirk Council (JR)
  • Fiona Robertson, SQA Chief Executive (FR)
  • Shona Struthers, Colleges Scotland (SS)
  • Ken Thomson, SQA Board member (KT)

In attendance

  • John Booth, SQA, Director of Communications (JB)
  • Steve Borley, SQA Head of Chief Executive’s Office (SB)
  • Lisa Bird, SG, Deputy Director, Education Reform
  • Sarah Hart, SG, Head of Delivery (SaH)
  • Ruth Jays, SG, Unit Head (RJ)
  • Dawnne Mahmoud, SQA, Director of People (DM)
  • Liz McGrath, SQA, Programme Director, Education Reform (LM)
  • Mark Wilson, SQA, Senior Internal Communications Manager


  • Pauline Hendry, SG (PH)
  • John Keenan, SG (JK)
  • Anna Kerr, SQA (AK)


  • Kieran Watson, SG 
  • Erin McCabe, Unite Rep
  • Pauline Radcliffe, SCQF
  • Steve Borley, SQA
  • Karen Ferguson, SQA
  • Niamh McGhee, SG
  • Reid Aiton, Young Scot

Items and actions

Opening remarks

Welcome and apologies

The Co-Chairs welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies.

Declaration of any conflicts of interest

There were no declarations of conflicts of interest. This item will remain on the agenda to address any emerging conflicts.

Previous meeting – approval of minutes from 4 June 2024 and matters arising

The minutes of the meeting on 4 June 2024 were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Vision - where are we trying to get to?

Education (Scotland) Bill - overview

Members received a presentation from SH on the introduction of the Education Scotland Bill and an overview of the objectives of the Bill. In discussion, members noted that the learner and practitioner charters would apply to both awarding and accreditation functions under the organisation as a whole. Members discussed the international work of the organisation and noted that the recently submitted Corporate Plan set out a vision for the continuation of that work and would be supported through legislation. Members discussed the manner in which appointment to the new committees set out in the Bill, noting that this was not stipulated in the high-level legislation. CH assured that appointments would be practical and representative, drawing on good practice from other public bodies.

Transition - what is required for day 1?

Legislative impact

SH provided overview of impact of the introduction of the Bill on work towards day 1 of Qualifications Scotland (QS). Practically, the organisation will require a newly formed Board of Management who would serve to take forward legislative transformation in addition to other various transfers from SQA to QS. SH noted that the publication of the Bill would allow the Body Implementation Project to move forward to ensure these essential transition actives are taking place as matter of priority.

Members requested further clarity around the relationship between the Transition Board (TB) and the SQA Board of Management and how the work of each group would interact. SR agreed to consider this in her reporting on the work of the TB to the SQA Board.  

The TB discussed budget and how reform would be funded, noting that reform work would be undertaken in parallel and in addition to the BAU work of the organisation. Members noted that, while the position was not yet finalised, a positive response had been received from SG around supportive resource to achieve reform by Autumn 2025.

Communication/branding impact

RJ provided an overview of ongoing work on communications and branding, noting the new National Assembly for Parents and Carers which was anticipated to be fully established by the beginning of next academic year.

The recruitment campaign has started for five new SQA Board members.

Members noted that branding was an ongoing discussion, with ministerial sign off anticipated soon. Meanwhile, work was being undertaken to determine the range of products required for day 1 of QS operation, with awareness of the urgency of this. Branding of the Accreditation function will be tested as part of this work and colleagues will work with Accreditation staff and stakeholders to ensure this is right. Members emphasised the critical role of staff voice and engagement in this work. 

Transformation - what will happen longer term?

Legislative impact

SH provided an overview of the impact of the introduction of the Bill on next steps in terms of transformation including governance and accountability and the Learner Charter and Teacher and Practitioner Charter, noting that legislative changes would serve to shape the organisation culturally.

Members highlighted that learners would be looking for assurances on continuity as well as transformation and emphasised the importance of clear communications to learners on this.

Transforming engagement

RP joined the meeting to provide an overview of the transforming engagement work being undertaken by SQA, demonstrating progress and achievements in this space over the last 12 months. He reported that this work was fully aligned with new legislative and organisational changes.

Members noted the positive changes in communications from the organisation and discussed the importance of direct engagement with learners and teachers and highlighted that the ‘you said, we did’ approach had been widely welcomed throughout the system. Members requested that colleagues remain cognisant of engagement with stakeholders from the whole system.

SR expressed her thanks to the team, recognising the quality of the work being undertaken in communications and engagement.

Any other business

Thanks were expressed to all members for their contributions to the meeting.

Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 30 July 2024.

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