
Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards - phase 3 and 4: qualitative research

The Scottish Government commissioned Energy Saving Trust and Taylor McKenzie to undertake research to explore attitudes of homeowners in Scotland to the potential regulatory standards proposed to be implemented over 2025 – 2045 , dependent on further consultation.

Appendix C Phase 3 discussion guide

1. Introduction (0 - 10 mins) (10 mins)

Welcome and thank you for agreeing to participate — [moderator introduction, housekeeping: WC, fire alarm and finishing time].

As we explained in the pre-task information, we are working with the Energy Saving Trust to undertake some research for the Scottish Government on homeowners’ attitudes to net zero heating and energy efficiency standards.

This stage of research with homeowners consists of four phases; the first two were completed between June and September 2022, and we are currently in the third phase. This phase aims to build on and challenge some of the themes developed in the first two phases while exploring some new ideas with you.

Explain teams group/viewing facility set up - recorded, confidentiality, honest feedback, no right or wrong answers – interested in your personal opinion and what’s really important to you as a homeowner.

Introductions: To get the ball rolling, we would like to have a round of introductions – please can you tell me your name, the type of property you currently own and perhaps one thing you’ve done or thought about doing to become more ‘energy efficient’ at home?

2. Net Zero & The Customer Journey (10 – 20 mins) (10 mins)

Objective: To explore homeowners’ understanding of net zero and their willingness to play a role in meeting Scottish Government’s net zero commitments. (option: to explore where homeowners feel they are on their personal journey to net zero and how manageable/feasible this journey feels).

Net Zero

Before this session, we shared with you a brief description of the Scottish Government’s aims and two videos explaining what ‘net zero’ means, how we can get there and information about air source heat pumps as an example of a technology that can help in this transition.

1. Is net zero a concept you were familiar with before watching the video?

2. How do you feel about the government’s commitment to net zero and in particular the ambition to reach EPC C in all houses by 2033 and to have zero direct emissions heating installed by 2045?

3. How involved/interested would you say you are in personally helping to support these aims with things you can do in your life? (e.g. adopting technologies like air source heat pumps)

4. How realistic does this feel to you just now?

3. Introducing the scenarios (20 mins – 35 mins) (15 mins)

Objective: To consolidate and build on learnings from phase 1 and 2. Scenarios to be presented together to give the audience an overview of each scenario.

In order to deliver the net zero target, the Scottish Government is considering bringing in new regulations that require homeowners to improve the energy efficiency levels of their homes and replace their gas boilers or other fossil-fuel heating systems with zero emissions heating systems like heat pumps.

As part of the process of developing the new regulations, the Scottish Government is considering lots of different options. In the first two phases of this research we have looked in detail into these three scenarios, so for this phase we will briefly talk over them before moving on to the next section.

Introduce 3 scenarios:

How do you feel about the scenarios overall?

- probe understanding & relative appeal

1. Which scenario do you feel would be the fairest approach? Why?

Moderators: is it ‘fairest’ because it aligns with their own interests/circumstances or ‘fairest’ for society overall?

Moderators: Rotate order for concept review within groups (not always leading with strongest first).

Are there any other scenarios or ways of phasing the introduction of the requirements you think could be considered or would be a ‘fairer’ option? Fairer for whom, and in what way?

4. Potential future support (35 mins – 1h 10 mins) (35 mins)

Objective: Provide initial insights regarding domestic property owners’ views on the design of potential future support (financial and/or non-financial) that will be necessary to help them make the changes required by the new proposed standards.

Moderator to say: We are keen to explore your attitudes, expectations and needs in relation to making the transition and what support might be needed for this.

1. What does the term ‘support’ mean to you when you think about these changes?

2. Given everything we have discussed today, who you would go to in the first instance to find out more and seek advice/support to undertake the changes stipulated by the proposed regulations?

  • Why? Probe on why for each response given
  • Is there anyone you would not go to/would not trust? Why?

3. What type of help/support do you expect you would need to meet the proposed standards?

  • Probe on knowledge/understanding of changes to be made and the financial, or other types of implication of the regulations (e.g. home disruption, journey and steps to take from EE retrofit through to HP installation etc.).
  • Probe on what people think might concern them most when it came to undertaking the changes required in their own situation – explore, understanding why and what they think could help them a) prepare in advance, and b) take action when the time comes.

4. What would you consider to be ‘fair and just’ in terms of support provision? And how best this might be targeted?

  • Probe on different vulnerabilities, those aged 75+, disabled, finically vulnerable etc.
  • Probe on how people conceive of “(in)ability to pay” in the context of heat transition and changes required

5. What, if any, support do you think you will need once you have undertaken the necessary retrofit works?

  • Probe on how this should be delivered and by who

6. Do any of you have any previous experience receiving or looking into the support available through Home Energy Scotland?

Given everything we’ve just discussed, I am now going to show you what the current offer of Scottish Government support looks like for people to undertake these changes.

Show current support available from Home Energy Scotland

Reflecting on what we have talked about already today:

7. What are your views on the support available currently from Home Energy Scotland?

5. Public engagement (1h 10 mins – 1h 30 mins) (20 mins)

Objectives: To understand the publics views on how best they can raise awareness and educate on the heat transition (through which channels, tactics, target audiences etc,)

1. In this section we are going to use our imagination…I want you to imagine these regulations are taking place in the next few years and you need to start making changes to your homes, how would you expect the Scottish government to raise awareness of these regulations?

  • Probe channels used? Social media platforms, news, press etc.
  • Probe on tactics – what is the best method of communicating these changes?
  • Probe target audience – who needs to be targeted in which way?
    • Probe on different methods for different people/audience groups

2. How do you think the Scottish government, and partners, can best educate people on the heat transition?

  • Is the Scottish government best suited to educate people on this?
    • If no, who?

3. What role do you see the Scottish Government having in increasing awareness and understanding of the changes that a move to renewables heating will involve for property owners?

  • Who else do you think should play an active role in awareness raising, and why?
  • Moderators note: SG are keen to find balance in discussion so not all geared towards what should (only) SG be doing in this space.



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