
Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards: research summary

Summary of research by Energy Saving Trust and Taylor McKenzie exploring the attitudes of homeowners in Scotland to the potential regulatory standards that may be implemented over 2025 to 2045, dependent on further consultation.

Support needed

There are two main areas that participants said would help them to meet any new standards:

  • Clear advice on what they need to do and why. The participants had many questions about the regulations and what they will mean for them personally. They were looking mainly to the Scottish Government to provide advice and clear information on the regulations. The information must be easily accessible and simple to understand and is best suited coming from government sources or trusted and impartial bodies so that the participants know that they are being told what is best for their situation as opposed to just being sold to by someone with a commercial interest.
  • Financial support. Due to the current cost of living crisis, all participants requested significant financial support available to everyone who asks for it, not only the most vulnerable. Many mentioned that there is an assumption that people who own their own homes have disposable income and money to spend on home improvements, however, given the current economic climate, many people who would be considered financially stable are struggling. Support might be in the form of grants, interest-free loans, equity loans, arrangements through mortgages or other incentives ie reduced electricity bills, tax relief etc. All financial support must be signposted with clear information on eligibility and must be easily accessible.



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