Quality, Efficiency and Value: what Non-Executive Directors need to know
This resource provides an overview of 'quality, efficiency and value' within NHSScotland for Non-Executive Directors of Health Bodies.
Bibliography and resources
Øvretveit J (2009). Does improving quality save money? A review of evidence of which improvements to quality reduce costs to health service providers. London: the Health Foundation
Appleby, J., Galea, A. and Murray, R., 2014. The NHS Productivity Challenge: Experience from the Front Line. London: The King's Fund. http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/nhs-productivity-challenge
Audit Scotland. Auditing Best Value in the NHS in Scotland. Edinburgh: Audit Scotland http://www.audit-Scotland.gov.uk/docs/corp/2009/bv_audit_best_value_nhs.pdf
Bevan, G., Karanikolos, M., Exley, J., Nolte, E., Connolly, S. and Mays, N., 2014. The Four Health Systems of the United Kingdom: How do they Compare? The Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust
Jeffcott, S., 2014. The Spread and Sustainability of Quality Improvement in Healthcare: A resource to increase understanding of the 10 key factors underpinning successful spread and sustainability of quality improvement in NHSScotland. Edinburgh: Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Available from http://www.qihub.scot.nhs.uk/knowledge-centre/quality-improvement-topics/spread-and-sustainability.aspx
Quality improvement resources from the NHSScotland Quality Improvement Hub http://www.qihub.scot.nhs.uk
Resources and case studies from the NHSScotland Event which each year celebrates improvements across NHSScotland http://www.nhsscotlandevent.com
Slideshare http://www.slideshare.net
Email: Sarah Hildersley
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