
Quality Improvement and Measurement - What Non-Executive Directors need to know

This publication is designed to give Non-Executive Directors of Health Boards an overview of what Quality Improvement and measurement is and how they can ensure that this approach is used by Health Boards.


What is "quality improvement" and how can it transform healthcare? Batalden PB, Davidoff F; Qual. Saf. Health Care; 2007;16:2-3

Bringing user experience to health care improvement: the concepts, methods and practices of experience-based design. Bate P, Robert G; Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing; 2007

High reliability health care presentation. Berwick D, Nolan T; 2003 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Quality improvement: theory and practice in healthcare. Boaden R, Harvey G, Moxham C, Proudlove N; Coventry: NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement/University of Manchester Business School; 2008

Total Quality Management (TQM) [online]. The Chartered Quality Institute; 2015 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Measurement for Improvement. Davidge M [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Ten challenges in improving quality in healthcare: lessons from the Health Foundation's programme evaluations and relevant literature. Dixon-Woods M, McNicol S, Martin G; BMJ Qual Saf. 2012; 21 (10):876-84

Better together. Experience based design cancer pilots. Interim reflection report. Edinburgh: Better Together, Scotland's Patient Experience Programme. Hodgkiss F, Barrie K, Sinclair C; 2011

Quality Improvement Made Simple. The Health Foundation; 2011 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Getting the measure of quality opportunities and challenges. Raleigh VS, Foot C; The King's Fund; 2010 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Perspectives on context. Bate P, Glenn R, Fulop N, Øvretveit J, Dixon-Woods, M; The Health Foundation; March 2014

The patient-centred care project: evaluation report. The King's Fund; 2011 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Experience-based co-design toolkit. The Kings Fund; 2013 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

The improvement guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance. 2nd Ed. Langley GL, Moen R, Nolan KM, Nolan TW, Norman CL, Provost LP; San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Publishers; 2009

Scotland's national dementia strategy 2013-2016. Scottish Government; 2013 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

The NHSScotland Quality Improvement Hub. Making the numbers meaningful for quality improvement [online]; 2015 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

The 3-step improvement framework for Scotland's Public Services. The Scottish Government; 2013 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Sustainability Model and Guide. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement; Maler L. Gustafson D, Evans L; 2010 [cited 2015 Sept 04]

Does improving quality save money? A review of the evidence of which improvement to quality reduce costs to health service providers. Ovretveit J; 2009 [cited 2015 Sept 04]


Email: Sarah Hildersley

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